fluorescent or incandescent for vegging?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Dr. Dedoverde, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. [SIZE=+2][SIZE=+1] [/SIZE][/SIZE]

    Which one is best for vegging? for seedling? or and for clones?
    which one requires less electricity, are they very close ?

  2. Fluorescent is better in every way. It uses less electricity, and puts out more useable light per watt. It also generates less heat. MUCH less heat.

    In fact, for growing, incandescent light bulbs are pretty much useless.
  3. and what about MH light for vegging? is it better? same questions...
  4. For vegging mh is the best followed by cfl then flouro's...

    For flowering hps is the best folowed by cfl ....

    Hope this helps./.. like said above dont even bother to try and grow with incandescent..
    absolutely usless...;)
  5. thank you budslinger, but what can i expect from electrical usage from the mh? i know its more than the cfl obviously, but how much more? and i know you can use the cfl's and mh, but is it better just to use the cfl at seedling than once veggitation starts turn on the mh?
  6. depends on the wattage...
    i run a 400watt hps that runs about 25 a month on my bill..

    You can run a mh at seedling but the light has to be about 36" above the plants..
    Otherwise they can get burned...

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