Flowering Stage

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by QueenCoral, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. Hey guys! I hope you got great weekend:)

    I’m on my flowering stage since 7.4.23
    I would like to know if there is any organic nutrients that is good for boost the blooming

    Last time that I use nuts was 35+- days
    And I use : Down to Earth
    Fish bone meal 4-12-0
    langbenitie 0-0-22

    I got :
    alfalfa meal 2-0-1
    Bat shit 7-3-1
    Bone meal 3-15-0
    Kelp meal 1-0.1-2
    Oyster shell

    Attached Files:

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  2. If you want to add something. I'd get some malted barley grain from your local brew supply store. Do not have them grind it. You grind a shot glass per plant right before you top dress with it. Or you'll lose the enzymes you want them to bring to your medium. Scratch it into the surface and water it in with aloe water. It will shorten your flowering time and increase your trichome production.
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  3. If you added the bonemeal and batshit to your soil mix you should set. They look nice.

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