flowering question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mike thc, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. #1 mike thc, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
    whats up guys
    i had a question about flowering/pre-harvest
    i was told to stop nutrients on week 4 of flowering and to flush
    and just water the last 1-2 weeks
    does this sound right to u guys?
    or when should i do the final flush?
  2. I flush the last 10 days usually.:smoke:
  3. And you mean "nutes" right? Hopefully you don't mean "nuts"!:laughing:
  4. hah yeah nutrients:smoke:
    and thanks for the input
  5. I try to flush between 1-2 weeks.
  6. Week 4-6 of flowering you should be making the push and giving your plants the highest amount of nutes you can without burning them. That's the time that they build the most and put on the most weight and they need nutes as building blocks. Most flower for 8-9 weeks or 56-63 days is norm. Flush on day 48-50 then give'em just water if they still need it before they finish. Show me a plant that finishes in 6 weeks and I'll show you a plant that needs at least 2 more weeks.
  7. sounds on point and makes sense
    cause on my feeding chart the ppm gets the highest on the 4th week
    and raises until the 6th week then lowers on the 7th week
    so by the 8th week flush and water if needed?
    this is my first grow
    and still very new to it so any input would be awesome
  8. Stopping nutes at week 4 is too early.
  9. I agree way to early I raise mine to 1800ppms by week 4 and hold it there till week 7-8 then flush for 10 days.

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