Flowering, how long till sex is determined?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ganjen, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. Hi, this is my first time growing indoors, so far everything has been going well, decided after 4 weeks to turn the lights to 12/12.

    I am wondering, after the lights are changed, how long should you expect to start seeing sexes popping up? I know the males come first but it would be real helpful if I knew exactly how many days or weeks to expect to wait. The HPS is in, just waiting for sexes to show. (Planted from good bagseed)
  2. usually within 10 to 14 day...alot of times earlier:wave:
  3. Thanks Deacon. I figured it would take a few days at least, so yea a week sounds about right, and some could take to the second week prolly.
  4. yeah..some can take longer..i nature i believe the males grow a little faster and taller...so when the female flowers the male is ready and above her to do the nasty:D...now this is not set in stone but a good guideline to start lookin' for the plants sex..by switching to 12/12 lights cycle you fool the plants into thinkin' winters coming and they better get busy...alot of growing is just waiting...thats where people fuck up..good luck..sure we will know soon:wave:
  5. During my last grow, it took my plants, The Cheese and Blue Mystic, about 6-8 days before they showed their little buds. Just be patient, I was about to panic but then the next morning everything was fine. :wave:

  6. the waiting sucks its killing me wondering what my plant is going to be. about 1 week into flowering
  7. Yeah just gotta be patient, i guess. At least you know what im goin through! : D Im trying to just wait it out, tomorrow will be the 3rd day of 12/12. The room is dark black, I can't see my hand in front of my face, and my light timer is solid. Just waiting to see lil hairs everywhere. Thanks for the info everyone, Will let you all know how it goes!
  8. It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks on the average.

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