Flowering. few leaves Burned. "Hydroplex"?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by VeryDisturbed, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I left for 2 day's plants were just fine, Came back and this is what a few of them look like :/
    I used Hydroplex, It's the only thing I added. Do I just not use Hydroplex? or use less?

    Thanks for your time.

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  2. Total guess based on appearance...magnesium deficiency
  3. looked up hydroplex. it is just a pk boost for flowering...therefore if your ph was good the whole time you were gone and you know that ph is NOT the issue, then I would think Mag. Does not look like nute burn. Pic of the whole plant would help...

  4. Rest of the plant is fine, There was only 4 leaves like that.
    Same exact water I've been using since day 1. only thing changed was Hydroplex. Flushing them all today.
  5. Not really sure.. What strength did you use it at?

    The time I burned was on Sour Cream (a sensitive plant) and I used it at 10Ml per gallon , I have since used it no problems , I usually dont exceed 7Ml per gallon of it.

  6. I used 1 TSP per Gallon. Think that's about 5ML

    I will try flushing them with a gallon of water each and then start over.

    Thanks Russy
  7. I used this same product and have had success starting with 1/2 TSP for the first few times I used it before upping to 1 TSP as a maximum dose. Good luck.

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