flowering but not letting it finish for faster growth

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by stealthgrower, May 21, 2009.

  1. plants seem to grow much faster in the first few weeks of flowering then any other time, so i was wondering if it wuold be possible to put a plant in flowering for 2-3 weeks then switch it back to veg long enough for it to stop flowering and then put it back into flowering again and end up with a bigger plant than you would have with just vegging.

    i am guessing this would cause hermies, but idk. and i wouldn't really mind a hermie tbh, so what do you think?
  2. The first 2-3 weeks in the flower period the plant is transforming, but the plant is still vegging/growing, if you cut back to the vegging period after 2-3 weeks flowering, the plant will have stopped growing by then, and it will take time to reveg/grow it again. It shouldn't hermie if you stablize it back to the vegging cycle.
  3. I agree, you will not achieve what you want, you will only slow down the flowering process and possibly get a lower yield, not more.

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