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Flower or not to Flower yet? To Soon to tell!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Robbie714, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. #1 Robbie714, Apr 7, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
    Hey GC! I've been growing my 2 Aurora auto, the One on the left Popped 1/31 and The right 2/5. I just had another seed pop(same strain)last night. now it's almost a half inch tall. as you can see I really don't have a lot of room in my 36x20x62 tent from Apollo. Marshydro 600 278 draw from wall. 120x5 watt diodes. my younger plant as been through some stress, like when I transplanted it to 60% soil to 40% perlite using BS MG organic. after two weeks after transplant it got nitrogen toxicity, so I flushed let her sit for about 3 weeks. Then I had an Iron and phosphorus deficiency. So I bought bloom nutes FF trio. Using it every other feeding like instructed. Plus Mook helped me out S/O️now she is bigger and Bushier then my older plant, which has been doing good all around. The temp have been 72° to 78° with the lights on. since there Autos does my timer play a big part, cause sometimes when I water them I like to leave my light on a little bit longer. I have them on 18/6. But I want to bump it up to 20/4 like I had it a month ago. as I was told to change it to 18/6. sometimes I'll turn the timer off on feeding days and then turn it back on the next day. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but it's going to start to get really hot outside. so I'm trying to utilize the cool temperatures as much as I can. So my question is only once in a while do I turn my timer off. I just wanted to know when I turn my timer off Will that affect my plants. Because they're not always on 18/6? 2 days out of the week when feeding? Or should I only go by the timer? I'll set it and forget it lol! and leave it alone if that's the case!!! Running out of room in my tent real quick!!! I added a 1 gallon pot and a solo cup for my last 2 autos that I germinated then put one in a pot I had laying around. I have 3/3 gallon smart pots but I'm going to use them for my second grow. Any suggestions or feedback anybody could give me I would appreciate it!!! Here's some pictures I still can't tell if it's in flower yet. Need to take pictures of the bottom stem It's sort of looks like new growth to me?[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] that's my younger plant. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. If it's putting on flowers, I can't really tell by these pictures. The lighting isn't very good on the part of the plant I need to see. But I will say this, you have some of the prettiest autos I've seen growing on here. LOL Of course, most of the auto plants I see are from posts where people are having problems and I'm trying to help, so don't look at pics of a lot of healthy plants. Yours look pretty darn good here. When your plant does go into flower, you'll be able to tell. It is a definite difference from anything you've been seeing with your plant to this point. And as far as lighting and all that goes, these plants are cued genetically to do things their way....regardless of what we do. I suggest you post on one of the "auto" threads for solid info about the lighting that is best for them. I had a friend who grew 2 last year in his back yard. One turned out to be a decent size plant and did pretty well. The other one was wacky and went into flower when it was about 18" tall and never grew any larger than that. I see a lot of posts on here where people are having weird things happen with auto strains. But, I do not grow them nor have I ever to this point, so I know nothing about what works best for them. Good luck but great job so far!! TWW
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  3. Yes, the pix are hard to tell by. I only grow Auto's, and, at the stage they're in the bud sites should be showing on the top of the plant already, and their not - or so it seems. You may have a dude there -- it can happen. p.s. Auto's don't react well to any sort of stress; transplanting is stressful. Plant in the pot you'll harvest in for better results next time. Anyway, you sure have a pretty plant there. I hope it's just a slow bloomer. Good Luck
  4. I don't think it's a male SK. But you're right you never know. If they were bag seeds or from somewhere that doesn't have a good reputation then I would agree more with you. There from Nirvana who some of my friends have been dealing with for a long time now. I'll keep everyone posted

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  5. Thanks TWW I appreciate your feedback and suggestions so I will do my research!!!

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  6. @Robbie714
    You will know when it's in flower

    Don't sweat it

    Once it starts to flower it grows so fast, I remember having to move my lights up twice in one day becuz it was stretching so fast.

    And white pistols will be everywhere
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  7. @Garden_viking thanks bruh! Nice I just took these pictures to show my one friend who lives out in Seattle. I still don't think he could tell by these pictures? I'm not in a rush. I just wanted to know if they were or not? You can't sweat the small shit in life! You know what I mean GC

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] it's still too early to tell by the pictures I just posted.

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