
Discussion in 'General' started by 2Packed, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. Hey, this is a shout out to any Floridians on here.

    I am living in Portugal at the moment but my rents are thinking of moving to Florida, USA (I am English btw)

    They are looking for a house in Central Florida, somewhere near Kissimmee.

    If there is anyone around this area do you know of any nice residential areas? Any areas to avoid? (I have already heard that Pine Hills is bad news)

    Any other things that I should know? (Weed prices, strains..)

    Peace Out. 2Packed :D
  2. St, Cloud is pretty trashy imo
  3. florida kicks ass man
  4. I'd move to GA there marijuana laws aint shit. oh and theres alot of peaches..who doesnt love peaches.
  5. I live in South Florida. An hour from Miami, 2 hours from Orlando, and a half hour from Ft. Liquordale.

    I'm... West Palm Beach - the 5IVE 6IX ACE!
  6. Damn, Florida is one big place, AMERICA IS ONE BIG PLACE.

    In both the UK and Portugal I can drive from one end of the country to the other in a day! Lol...
  7. if you in the 305
    PM me

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