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Florida nuggets, dank

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ChronicPhonix, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Not the best picture quality, used my Ipod camera. Macros of this bud would look amazing. But anyway I picked up a quarter of this stuff for 80 last night. Here's what I'm toking on this morning :bongin:

  2. Looks almost lime green, nice. I bet it smokes really nice huh? Nice grab bro :smoke:
  3. Even with the Ipod camera it still looks pretty dank. Nice pickup
  4. Thanks guys, it was some great smoke :smoke:
  5. looks like some dank dude, everytime my bud is on the lighter side it has never dissapointed.
  6. I had some nug like that a while back.

    It was straight up lime green like that too. dank..........
  7. That is the greenest green I've ever seen. Nice pickup! Good to know there's some good stuff moving in the 321 :smoke:
  8. That shit looks like birdmans weed. Its so green.
  9. florida has lime green orange hair weed its one of the two states in american where pure sativas can grow

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