this thing is massive, looks like it weighs a ton. i've heard about bigger snakes in like asia or something, but i guess this is the biggest ever caught in america now. [ame=""]Huge Burmese Python Caught - Breaks Record in Florida - YouTube[/ame]
They should have put it in a zoo if it was the largest one they found, i mean it kind of beats the point of capturing it if they just killed it.
Fuck florida forreal, we got snakes, spiders, mountain lions, cougars, lynx, fox, bobcats, boar, Its so scary here
That is absolutely amazing. I agree that obviously something needs to be done, and if that means catching and killing, well it's what has to be done. There are THOUSANDS of them and they're messing up the natural way of things so it has to stop. ALTHOUGH, I think it's pretty fucked up they killed the biggest snake ever captured. That I don't really understand..why not put it in a zoo or something? ^^^Mountain Lions and Cougars are the same thing
oh yea we got some sexy ass cougars lol we also have our own panther......and black panthers(even though people will try to tell you they're not here)
[quote name='"Weasel King"']That is absolutely amazing. I agree that obviously something needs to be done, and if that means catching and killing, well it's what has to be done. There are THOUSANDS of them and they're messing up the natural way of things so it has to stop. ALTHOUGH, I think it's pretty fucked up they killed the biggest snake ever captured. That I don't really understand..why not put it in a zoo or something? ^^^Mountain Lions and Cougars are the same thing [/quote] eh nvm..
Ehh, not really true. A Bobcat is a type of Lynx. There are 4 different species of Lynx, with the Bobcat being 1 of them. But yah, a Puma is a Cougar which is a Mountain Lion. Edit: Beat you hahahahah
[quote name='"Weasel King"'] Ehh, not really true. A Bobcat is a type of Lynx. There are 4 different species of Lynx, with the Bobcat being 1 of them. But yah, a Puma is a Cougar which is a Mountain Lion. Edit: Beat you hahahahah [/quote] lol i knew someone would do that..
[quote name='"Weasel King"'] Ehh, not really true. A Bobcat is a type of Lynx. There are 4 different species of Lynx, with the Bobcat being 1 of them. But yah, a Puma is a Cougar which is a Mountain Lion. Edit: Beat you hahahahah [/quote] So, a bobcat is a lynx, but a lynx is not always a bobcat. Anyway, they try to say we don't have cougars in PA which is bullshit.
Exactly! There's also the Canadian Lynx, Eurasian Lynx and the Iburian(sp?) Lynx God I watch too many animal shows hahahaha
[quote name='"Weasel King"'] Exactly! There's also the Canadian Lynx, Eurasian Lynx and the Iburian(sp?) Lynx God I watch too many animal shows hahahaha[/quote] Well, you are the weasel king, so it's good to know your predators!
I guess they were tracking this snake, so they wanted to kill it to learn how to deal with the python problem. ya Florida used to have them... now all you have left are hungry giant snakes! lol agreed, something needs to be done, 94% of all deer have been killed by pythons. That's crazy.. deer are big. And ya,... they could have put it in a zoo... but i guess this is one they captured, tagged... and put back into the wild... they recaptured it to kill it and study it... it just happened to grow a lot and break a record.
They killed it?! Record breaking snake sliced open because they can't move it out of the damn woods? Put it in a zoo!