Flexing your third eye

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Danerrr, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. For several weeks now I've been able to "flex" my third eye. I know I'm probably way off with my description but I don't know what to call it. I don't know how I'm doing it it's almost like I'm flexing my penal gland and it causes a tingling throughout my brain, specifically between my brows where I usually feel my third eye chakra during meditation and cleansing.

    The tingling starts there and kinda fades the closer it gets to where I'd assume my penal gland is and the tingling is very prominent.

    Tingling is also very prominent near the top of my head where the crown chakra is.

    The tingling feels great, almost like a brain orgasm. I can do it whenever I want to, on command. I've still yet to experiment with it and meditation but I have no idea what it could be if it's not this.

    What do you guys think? Can anyone else do this?

    When I say flex, I'm not actually tensing any muscles. I guess I'm more focusing on it or something. But I can sustain doing it for as long as I can remember to do it (I'll eventually forget about doing it and the tingling will eventually fade).

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  2. I think I know what your getting at with the flex thing...it sorta feels like a portal, a gaping hole that moves in and out and ranges in all possible ways (not like that you sick fucks).
    When I was early in my spiritual journey or whatever you'd like to call it, I had a lady examine my chakras at the time being (it varies of course) and I was told I was third eye heavy, crown as well but third eye overboard...
    For me it's definitely the easiest chakra to feel, the problem is toning it down and bringing a balance throughout.
    Another problem is desiring that same feeling/state of mind, cuz then it won't happen... what an anomaly this shit is eh?
  3. An anomaly indeed. What kind of place did you go to to get your chakras checked out? My buddy and I have been really getting into theosophy and qigong and stuff like that. It'd be nice to find a place of like minded people around here to go and chat with em a bit.

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  4. I was trying to get my level one Reiki done and was e-mailing this lady and eventually it kept flopping so she offered an hour Reiki sesh for free. We talked for ever and the first thing she did when I was on the table was scan my chakras with a pendulum, she said she could have used her hands but this way I could see as well...
    There's lots of like-minded peeps on this forum lol overwhelming really...I'm in the Toronto area so if you are bro, defs down to meet up.
  5. haha
    you said penal
  6. My third eye flexes right at the end of a good wank.  Leaves an awful mess. :laughing:
  7. I know what you mean, you should do some research into astral travel.
    BTW: Sorry bout all the immature answers lol, idiots.
    You are experiencing your third eye trying to open.
    Try to research more into meditation and astral travel. Is basically opening your spirit eye, it is in basic terms a portal to the spirit world.
    Do some research. :) Sorry, I don't know a lot bout it.
  8. Wow bro. Me too :O 
  9. Try rolling your eyes up and inward.  Especially when you have chemically activated your third eye.
  10. If you keep practicing using it, you can eventually have a mystical experience without the use of any substances. 
  11. I've actually done a good bit of research on astral projection and OBE's the past month or two and came across a penal gland activation meditation that played some sort of tone while I said a mantra while meditating to activate my penal gland as most are calcified over from inactivity. I did that meditation several times As well as a couple other third eye chakra balancing meditations

    Which lead me to finding the ability to cause this tingling sensation I described above.

    I feel I've gotten pretty close to astral projection especially lately. Remembering dreams has become much easier. Before I had started meditating it was next to impossible for me to remember my dreams.

    I just wish there was a website that would give me all the answers. Lol :smokin:

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  12. Chemically activated? I'm not too sure what you mean here but I'm pretty interested whenever anyone says chemically.

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  13. Refer to avatar for reference.  Psychedelies mane.
    Having some fun and joking around on a cannabis forum = idiocy?   I would claim that term better applies to someone who knowingly breaks forum rules by name calling. ;)
  15. That penal gland is definitely responsible for the tingling..............definitely.  :laughing:  All you need to do now is open that hole up. Flex and release. You will then be in Heaven.
  16. Learn to meditate, just practise it and do it atleast 10 minutes a day (with audio if you prefer this, since certain frequencies and vibrations resonate with us perfectly (432hz etc)). And just do some research on meditating and opening chakras, then start to open them one by one by meditating (start with the lower ones first, this is important for grounding and not losing yourself). By doing this you will make big leaps in spirituality if the intention, mindset and attitude is right. Remember it's to learn from. After some time as you get better and better at it, you can start the inner journey if you want it. Which will open up your third eye eventually. Then you'll start to be able to control and understand it more and more over time.
  17. im skeptical of the third eye stuff. i know many true buddhists even on grasscity that have followed the true teachings for years and years and the majority of them will say the chakras are a false system.

    ive done pineal gland mediatations myself and experience flashes of color and lights in darkness but no more than that. i kinda believe these visuals are created from lack of brain stimuli.

    but i want to believe the chakra system at the same time.

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  18. #18 pickledpie, Mar 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2014
    The chakra system didn't come from the Buddhists though. You should check out Shaivism and tantra. There's a tamil Siddhar named Bhogar who talked about chakras in a treatise thing on kundalini yoga, it was very esoteric and hard to understand. I know because I'm trying to understand it now lol. Check these links out.
  19. #19 dubaba, Mar 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2014
    I was getting into the whole third eye, chakra, new age stuff. Im not saying its a bad thing, but I will say that after a lot of research I found out that theosophy was created by proven frauds, and a lot of it is just trying to get your money. Madame blavatsky who pretty much started it, was proven to be a fraud, and she made a lot of money off of it. They unpurposefully/or purposefully misinterpreted/represented and pieced together a lot of ideas from many different eastern religions. A lot of the books I would read on the subject would always make claims about ancient beliefs, and then when I went to look up those ancient beliefs, they werent true at all. I do think that if more people believed in theosophy or other new age beliefs, the world would be a better place. But, there are much better, and much more valid ways of expanding your consciousness then theosophy, in my opinion.
    No disrespect though, peace and love :smoke: :hippie:

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