
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bigmane71, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. i guess there were fleas in the closet i am using but i put a bunch of cedar in there and now they have all dipped out and are in my room and have pwned the shit out of my new puppy (frontline is on the way), but i still will probably have to set off a flea bomb to kill them all in my room and shit, if my girls are completely sealed off from the bomb will they be ok, its only supposed to last 3-4 hours
  2. If they're sealed off then what's the concern?
  3. so everythings ok?
  4. why wouldn't they be? They're sealed off. Think about it.
  5. Fleas don't eat plants. They eat people and puppies. Don't sweat it.
  6. im not worried about that, im worried about the gas from the flea bomb being detrimental to my baby girls
  7. Doh, you're right! Hmmm, maybe just go with the Frontline and see how that works out before going nuclear?
  8. Have you tried Diatomaceous Earth ? That will kill the little bloodsucking bastards without risking any contamination to your grow (or your puppy or you).
  9. i read that diatomaceous earth produces a poisonous gas and that being around it for any period of time can be detrimental to your health (and definitely your puppies health)
  10. I had an indoor pup for 16 years and never had a flea problem.
    Mentioning I was worried about fleas to a girl I worked with once she
    told me what her kids pre-school used, they just heavly sprinkle salt on the carpets over a weekend every few months for a few days and then vacumed it up.
    At the time fleabusters was a up & coming business and finding out all they were doing was shooting wet salt soaked woodchips out & vacuming them up confirmed it to me.
    I actually mixed powdered borax & salt 50/50 in a jar with holes poked in the lid.
    It de-hydrates them, flea-collars work because fleas will often get mosture from a dogs eyes crossing under the collar-fyi, also they have a chem. to attract fleas, thats the best reason to not use flea collors, they perpetuate themselfs.

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