Flavor and taste and smell

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Bobos10, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Can anybody help plz. what do I feed my plant so she puts out that dank smell and flavorful taste ?I'm in week 5 of flowering this is the last week be for I stop feeding it nutrients
  2. Last outdoor season for the last 2 or 3 weeks i fed a couple plants some expensive organic juice just to see if it did anything. I fed one some kind of blueberry juice and it smelled great even had a hint of blueberry and turned a little darker. That was a chem 91 strain. The other i fed a pineapple mango juice and it turned really frosty with a hint of light orange coloring. I couldn't really notice a taste but it smelled a little different then the other i had. It just looked different more frost like i said. That was a Casey Dawg strain. I had 2 of each strain and fed 1 of each juice. Ive read allot that ppl say that doesn't work but i saw a result. But like i said i used expensive organic juice with no additives no added sugars just 100% juice. And not from concentrate. If i remember right i think it was over $10 a bottle
  3. Best way is to not chop early..make sure all trichs are at least cloudy
  4. what is your medium?
  5. magnesium & sulfur are the two biggest components that constitute a flower's aroma
  6. Grow organically. It gets you top notch bud with the best smell and taste. Nothing compares. Go read up in the organic section and you will thank me later.

    The EASIEST way to succeed is through HARD work.
  7. Mmmmmm weed porn....


    Week 3 flower 1 plant over 50 colas


    Purple Urkle...

  8. Those are nice!
  9. Thnx....:)

  10. You don't want to stop feeding on week 5.
  11. Don't stop feeding through flowering if anything that will produce bud that your avoiding

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