
Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by steakofplate, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Dose anyone know about Flashing before harvest? is it 24 hours or 30 hours?
  2. #2 1sttimegrower, Oct 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2011
    I'll assume you mean flushing.
    Its whenever you can do it, before you take buds off the plant, to completion.
    Some people soak for a week before, some just the day before.
    If you do it the day before, instead of a a multiple flush process, just make sure you get all salts out.
    I'd assume the shorter between flush and harvest is better, as the plant needs those salts/nutrients to mature its buds.

    The idea behind the flush is to get rid of all the excess salts and nutrients in the soil (or reservoir/plant) out. Soil is a bit harder(than hydro), because you cant as readily flush the salts out of the plant as you can out of the soil.
    My plans for flushing next crop is to stick a hose into their buckets on a relatively low flow setting for 10-20 minutes two days before I chop them; enough to keep water levels at just below flowing over the sides. I'll repeat it again for 10 minutes the day before chop, to get any excess salts out.
  3. :( i mean flashing. i hear if u cut the lights off for a full 24 or maybe its 30? hours before u harvest it makes it more potent anyone else heard of this and know if its 24 hours or what?
  4. Ah; never heard that shit called flashing. Also makes no sense, considering your putting them in dark.

    Everyone gets mixed results; how can you tell that the plant didn't just mature during that day of dark rather than getting "extra" mature from it being dark.

    Though I've heard and read resins are made in the dark, and the dark simulates dying conditions which makes the plant focus energy into the buds.

    Also, wtf 24 hours or 30; WHO CARES!? Learn the science behind it man; you turn them off long enough for the plant to think its dying, without actually letting it start killing parts of the plant. Just shut the lights off the day before if you want to try this method; turn them on when you harvest (or leave them off). The difference of 6 hours shouldn't do any harm. Just do whatever is comfortable for you, and fits your schedule.
  5. Thanks for the opinion fact is that pro growers do this. i read it in the Jorge Medical growers bible but my brother has my book. u ask who cares obviously i do. if u are a 1st time grower and have no idea what im talkin about its probally a good idea to not lend out ur worthless 2 cents
  6. #6 1sttimegrower, Oct 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2011
    Wow... My info was actually legit. Why are you attacking me?
    Has anyone posted?
    Those growers books are just posts smashed together into book form; they are written by stoners, like you or I.
    Yeah, this might be my "1sttime" (not really anymore) but I know some stuff.
    I gave you your info; do it based on your schedule.

    And if you read it in that book, why are you not doing what the book says? obv you trust some book over GC opines

    Also, from GC community reports people get mixed results on this dark period thing. What if its totally bunk and does nothing; will you listen to "pro" (LOL) growers still?

    And, what if I were to tell you BOTH are wrong? Some people do dark for 48, ones even doing it for 72 hours atm from a quick scan of forums. Its from YOUR experience. Growing is about experience, take it slow, and learn your plant. You can't have others telling you what works because, quite frankly, it might not for you.

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