FlAsHiNg KeyBoarD Best trick ever..

Discussion in 'General' started by -Jon, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. 1. Open note pad and paste this in their

    Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    wscript.sleep 100
    wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
    wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
    wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

    2. Then save it as anything.vbs

    3. Then open..

    4. Enjoy:hello:
  2. Is this why some people post like retards?
  3. No, dont put this trick so low as to say that
  4. Ok wtf is up with my sig lmaoofao
  5. LOl, thIS Is PreTty sweet.

    I LIKe THE liGHtS..
  6. If yOu PreSS iT moRe thAn ONcE It GoES eVEn FASTer HahAHa
  7. what the fuck...?
    "malicious script detected"
  8. That it do brahski. keep clicking
  9. Lmao not at all accually, its a basic script. How can it harm, try it out for youself
  10. i did, when i tried to open it some pop up came up saying that
  11. If onLy i KnEW How To stop iT Now...

    hOW? -__-

    edit: nvm I got it.
  12. How would you turn it off?
  13. hoW Do yOU mAkE iT sTOP!!!
  14. that sucks for you then, your missing out.
  15. Task manager, processes, end program for the script.

  16. :( stupid hand-me-down computer
  17. Tried it and nothing. Am i doing something wrong? What is this suppose to do?
  18. MaKe YoU Talk LIKe ThIS WitH Triiipppy lights
  19. Lights where like the actual word n shit? Is this for everywhere you type on the computer internet and all?
  20. Just look at the script. It just toggles your numlock, scroll lock, and caps lock which makes you tYpE LiKe tHiS. The point is that the light on the keyboard when you turn on one of those locks will flash over and over.

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