flammzrant's glass and pickups

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by flammzrant, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 flammzrant, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    so, got something new today which inspired me to finally just start my own thread. i have a number of bud shots and pics of my other glass but im starting with my newest one.

    just grabbed this little locally blown inline bubbler/bong, call it what you will, from my LHS for $115.
    looks about 14in long from base to mouth piece, leg stand looks about 3-4in, feels about 5mm glass.
    stemless 19mm GonG 4pinch ice pinch bowl
    inline diffuser

    pics and milks!

    a couple no name buds that id been saving till i got this piece.

    milk vids

    i'll update more later :smoke:
  2. picked this up today for $40 with a case and some formula420. i love all the bubbles all over it

  3. #3 Jordan Skates, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    some sick glass man, i just picked this up from a local place here in Wisco, and i love it so far.

  4. nice inline dude :D
  5. Why have we let this die?!
  6. because i posted twice and then a troll posted china glass and i dont have much glass anyways and im not pleased with the bud shots i take currently and i dont care about this thread

  7. i like the new piece...post more videos of you burning it like you do everday
  8. [quote name='"flammzrant"']because i posted twice and then a troll posted china glass and i dont have much glass anyways and im not pleased with the bud shots i take currently and i dont care about this thread


    That's horrible!

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