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flakey dealers... :(

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheThief, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. a bit of a read, i'd really appreciate if u reead it and tried to help me out.

    a month ago i changed dealers to a new one who had texted me offering to sell to me from then on. We've made a few deals and i feel like he's shorted me a little on one but he told me it might be short and that he had ran out.

    So anyway, i decided to pickup monday, and shot him a text sunday letting him know i wanted to make a buy. He said cool, no prob. i texted him monday around 2 and sure enough he isnt available. Said sorry, and he forgot but would be home around 4. 6 rolls arround and after not hearing back, i text him adsking whats up and he said he had family stuff. i told him ah no prob, and he said he would text me soon pnce he was available (meaning that night) i told him dont worry about it. So today rolls around and i text him, asking again if hed be available. No text back and ef it i decided to try someone else.

    second guy texts me back immediately asking what i'd like. I told him an 1/8 reg. sure enough he doenst text back either. I send 2 more texts, asking if has it and if hes getting my texts. still no response.
    i dont know anyone else locally that deals, and it seems every time i have bad luck with dealers and they just dont communicate or are unreliable. Is this common? i'm failry new to smoking (started in the summer) and although i smoke almost every day now, i still havent dealt with many dealers.

    is there something im doing wrong? has anyone else experienced this much unreliability? i've had even worse dealers before these two and i feel like every one of them does it as a hobby, not to make money.
  2. #2 bloodhownd, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Maybe he got raided? edit: shit happened to my dealer today*

  3. but i'd still think he'd communicate that. instead they both just stop communicating
  4. If people don't have bud, then they don't have bud. Cry about it

  5. Not if he's sitting in a cell mate.. Call your dude, that gets stuff done much faster.
  6. Where did you get the second dealers number? If you got it from a friend who buys from that guy, maybe have him vouch for you because if I was a dealer I KNOW I would be paranoid about strangers texting me about a buy.
  7. they could have the courtesy to inform the customer tho... just called not being a dick lol

    this happens man. thats why i buy from friends!

  8. theres a difference between just letting me know he's out and not communicating whatsoever. it really pisses me off and i want to take my money elsewhere when they dont communicate but i have no other options. they aren't out either i know that

  9. nah, the second one knows me well from the past and i texted my name when asking him because i didnt know if he still had my number. He knew it was me and asked what i needed, as if he had an amount. Otherwise why would he waste his time asking?
  10. Seems to me you've found the two who do it just to smoke free/barely do it at all.

    It's not uncommon, but it's not normal either. You found unreliable dealers. I wouldn't even call them real dealers. I don't know your age, where you live, your situation, etc--so I can't really help you.

    Maybe try switching to dank? Reg. is kinda on the decline, I believe. . . .

    Working in restaurants are also always a good place to find people.

  11. yea i mean i've done this a bit, but none of my friends are dealers and i know its annoying to ask them for a cut of theirs every time.

  12. im in northern ohio near cleveland and here reg is very common. both of the guys i was talking about smoke reg often because its a small town i live in and not a lot of good stuff rolls around here. I'm 18 so still in school and both of the dealers i deal with are in the same school as me.
  13. I feel your pain OP, it happens sometimes. I have a fair amount of dealers, and at times like this [winter] they all run dry one at a time. This, is why you gotta buy larger amounts in the winter. 1/8 of reg here is 20-25. For 15-10 more dollars, I can get twice that amount. A half oz here is 60-65, but your getting 14 gs. 65 dollars/14 gs= $4.62 per G.

    Where as 25/3.5=$7.14 per G.

    Just saying, if you have unreliable/unresponsive/lazy dealers, you should try to get as much as you can at once so you don't have to continually hit them up and be let down. Also, get a scale. Last thing you want is to be paying for a half, and end up with a quarter.
  14. thanks, this post really helped. I do really need to consider that next time although no job currently and 60 is about all i have left until my mom slips me more for things she has to pay back. Getting a scale terrifies me because i dont know where i'd keep it or how i'd explain it if it was found.

    and say you find out your dealer did chip you, how would you approach him?
  15. Those don't sound like dealers, they sound like middle men.

    The only time my dealer can't meet up is if he has work, or If I hit him up too late without warning.

    Dealers are people too, so give them a little time and early warning before you start getting annoyed and stuff.

    You seemed to have been very good at hitting them up early so it's obviously not your fault. Just try to find more connects overtime and eventually you will find a reliable one who actually picks up in bulk and sells in bulk.

    Wish I could be of more help
  16. #16 Fumar Verde, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Hiding it should be easy, just get a small 15 dollar scale, thats all you need really. The one I have, I bought off Grasscity, its smalllll but gets the job done.


    This is my scale. To give you a scale of size, that box that it comes in is about as thick as a pack and a half of playing cards, about 2 in shorter than a pack of notecards width-wise, and about a half inch taller than a pack of notecards. You can just wrap it in a shirt in your clothes drawer or something. It can weigh up to about 20 grams at a time if the bud is dense and you place correctly. Very convenient!

    Well first of all, if you pick up in a secure place [like the dealers house, your house, or in a car somewhere safe] you should weigh it out in front of them. Just be like "Yoo i just got this trusty thing man! I can't wait to try it out!". If he's a legit dealer, he will have nothing to lose and won't mind you doing this. If he's short some herb, he'll likely just try to make up some bullshit excuse and replace the missing herb. It's important to do this in the presence of the dealer tho, because if you wait until the dealer is out of your range, and it DOES come up short, when you call him on it he might just rip you off, and never talk to you again, erase your number, and dip with your money. It's happened to all too many people, including myself.

    A few weeks ago I was dry, and asked my bro if he knew anyone with something. He tells me yah, and that he's "cool" with someone in the city, although he hasn't picked up from him in a while [I live in the burbs, from the city, and I HATE picking up from there] but I was dry so I said, oh what the heck. So we drive into the city, I park a few blocks from the park the dealer was gonna meet at. My bro tells me "stay in the car, I'll be back". So he goes, picks up the herb, I weigh it out, its 7 grams short of what I wanted [14 grams-- a half oz]. So my bro text him, he responds "damn, my boy musta fucked up the weight" My bro text him asking could he replace that... no response. My brother calls him 3 times, straight to voicemail. That was one of the shittiest moments ever man, because I have a scale, and due to my brother not taking it, I got beat 7 grams and 30 dollars.
  17. i always tell em straight up if i weigh it out short. i'm not worried about getting shorted on bags as i only deal with friends usually, but once my main guy shorted me about .7 and i just called em up with "hey dude check your scale i weighed it out to a 2.8 (instead of a 3,5)" and he was like "oh my bad man i'll hook up an extra nug next time" and he did.

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