Wanee Festival 2011 ^^^^^^^ DIRECTIONS,,, you blades got plenty of time to plan,,,,,, a marijuanna fest on the suwannee river,,,, AND I WILL LET ANY BLADE STAY WITH ME FOR THIS WEEKEND,, BRING A TENT,, I GOT A BIG YARD,,,,,or crowd my floor,, i dont care,,, but none of you mo-fo's is getting into my bed,,,, it's a weekend event,,, me and one other blade off here,, is allready there,,,, you are more than welcome to come join us,,, i got you a place to stay so come to the wannee fest..... Wanee Festival 2011 .....Technaflora ...[ame]http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecdZe0lP3DQ[/ame] i got rooom for a hundred blades,,, come on to fla.. lets wanne toghter,,,
florida,,, alabama,,,missippii,,south carolina,,,, im calling all my rednecks,,, and you threathawk.... come on down and hang at the chicken coop.... and we will visit the celebration,,, i know this area like the back of my hand,,,, a good time for all... but you got to take a drive,,,,,
allman bros, panic, robert plant, warren haynes, derek trucks/susan tedeschi, big gigantic, ween... come on people! this fest ain't one you wanna miss! chicken i'll be there! count on it
damn right dude,,,, all you got to do is mention the half clad women thats there,,,, and these horny blades will come running<------------
this year,,,,, this april,,, plenty of time to plan a road trip..... i got plenty of room for any blade thats needs a place to crash,,,,, '' bring a tent;;<---------
well you know '' youre right sown thew road frpom me,,,, if you get seriuos and decide to come,,, bust me a p,m, and stay at my house,,, i'll guide you right to the front door, you wont be able to decide which was the real wanne fest,,, at the park? or at chickens house ?
you know.. im not one to throw that offer out,,,, if it was worthless.... you got plenty of time to decide,,, but ill get your #...and guide you right to the front door,,,, got the suwannee river not 4 miles from my house,,,, nuttin but hoes,,all weekend long,,,,, and you'll get to meet the '' famous bird'' shit somethin to tell your grandkids about,,,,LATER IN LIFE,,,
Maybe. will it be happening again though? I can definitely make it next year! Chicken... you and me HAVE to smoke a fatty together and drink some whiskey. "Marijuana and Jalapeños are my two favorite things" Us Texas boys got some good shit you need to sample.
I'm in south carolina but that's still a 6 hour drive lol. I don't think I could even pay for gas for a trip like that... It does sound fun though, if I lived in florida I would be there. I love all the bands listed.
[quote name='bluberryTXsmoke']Maybe. will it be happening again though? I can definitely make it next year! Chicken... you and me HAVE to smoke a fatty together and drink some whiskey. "Marijuana and Jalapeños are my two favorite things" Us Texas boys got some good shit you need to sample.[/QUOTE] hell yeah,, im ready to do some sampling,,,,
bump.... i believe me and one other blade is going to be '' present'' at the wannee fest plenty of time my blades,,, let's wannee as a group and represent g-city... eric111e Hooked On Chronic Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: 352 Posts: 2,827