i built this bike in the fall. I converted it to a fixed gear bike so there are no gears and you have to always pedal. its a clean and simple style with minimal parts use. It is such an adventure riding and weaving traffic while high.
Thanks man. it's unmarked, i think its generic. my local bike shop thought it could be a few different brands, but nothing exciting. They did know that it's an Italian frame from the late 60's, which i find awesome! I love the steel frame. It rides nice and smooth. Post some pics of your bike
Wow that's quite a goal! good luck to you. That should be real exciting and one hell of an adventure. What are you riding? Geared i hope and not fixed.
im riding a pre khs japanese steel frame. Its a called a Sentinel grand touring.. minus all the extra shit like cables, and brakes. well i just have a front brake, someone stole my other bike so im just running single-speed. cant find the camera cord, will post pics when i do
Well i actually have been riding fixed for a good 8 years now, it wasn't popular when i started. Then it blew up... you sir can kiss my ass.
You can kiss my ass, too. Don't generalize and assume that because i ride this style and kind of bike that i am a hipster. I am not. You don't know me. you don't know why i chose this over another kind of bike. So, please grow up and see that the world is full of mixed styles. I'm not offended by your comment, but just stunned at your ignorance. Take my advice; Smoke some weed and chill homie.