Five Letters

Discussion in 'General' started by JustListen, May 11, 2010.

  1. telekinetic brains lashed our appartment

    Q W E R T Y
  2. Question White Expert Talking Yankees

    Y K T A Z
  3. Yo kill that ass zebra B E V O O
  4. Bitches Eat Vagina Ovaries Outrageously

    H J I A O

  5. Hell? James isn't acknowledging obviously.

    W E V E Q
  6. When Entering Vagina Ejaculate Quietly

    B T M E H

  7. Bitch talkin mad ebony hexes

    F L V P P
  8. F L V P P

    Females leave very poopy prints.

  9. Associating society separately causes neglect

  10. Quick Noodles Sell Viciously

    H O E E F
  11. Herds of elephants elope freely

    F T Z F S
  12. Forget the Zebras, feed sloths!

    X I O B A
  13. xerox it or be annihilated

    P T S D S
  14. Piss tests suck dick, seriously.

    L O F D W
  15. Listen Oprah, faggots drink wine.

    A E I O U
  16. Angry Evil Insects Override USA :eek:

    S A V A N
  17. Suddenly Alice's vagina ate nickels

    W D I G O
  18. Without dogs i go oh-so-bananas

    S N I F F
  19. Saturday night i fucked frenchies

  20. Stupid Heartattacks Irritate Tom Sawyer

    L M N O D

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