Not shure if this is the correct place to post this Posted this somewhere else (explaining it to some people who have never used so that why its worded informatively) and it's a little old but I decided I wanted to post my first experience and see now normal this is. To see if this is what everyone who smokes fells. (As explained later chemicals seems to affect me differently than most other people) Alcohol doesn't do much for me there's no felling of happy or anything even after 2-3 beers and some vodka. I can sit and feel completely normal the only affect I get is I get wobbly when I stand up, from what I've heard there's suppose to be more to it than that, but that again I've been told I metabolize stuff abnormally, like I need to get around 5x the amount of Novocain when at the dentist and I can still fell the needle going in and coming out, morphine has little effect and doctor said for the amount I got the effects should have lasted a lot longer… that might be why I tried drinking a few times but decided there's nothing in it for me. As for drugs iv done weed once, it's fun….scary at first because it changes how you see the world (at least it does for me) it's like how you see thinks now but your point of vision is farther back, like your looking threw a fish eye lenses. Colors and music look amazing, friends dash board was gray, after smoking I remember looking at it and it was a deep purple, sunlight and everything it touched was a deep yellow/golden color, leaves were greener, colors in general looked better (think Pandora from avatar), and it make music awesome, I hate rap and my friends car stereo sucks it pops and has that fuzzy interference noise to it, but high it was the best music I've ever heard- it sounded like I was sitting right in front of the band, things seem to move slowly, you feel relaxed, warm like under a blanket, I found myself grinning and giggling at nothing just inexsplanably happy at nothing/everything, everything just felt good, and every few seconds I felt a slight twitch this was the best part of it all, I don't know how to truly describe it, it's like a hiccup were theirs one every other second….but it was a jolt of pleasure, the only way to describe it was like what it feels like when you cum but instead of just your cock its over your whole body. I enjoyed it. But was also down sides to, during I had little to no ability to give directions and after the effect started to wear off I felt in almost inconsolable feeling of grief/sadness you go back to normal after a few minutes but the fisheye vision lasts a little longer.
now thats what im talkin bout. yup thats normal, have some fun man. alcohol doesnt have much affect on me either, and to tell you the truth, i really hate the effect it has on others. weed>alcohol ; thinking>forgetting; enlightenment>stupification
You definitely need to smoke again. I'm not trying to say that everyone should be on drugs or anything like that but most normal people have a substance that they like to use to relax/unwind/ add something interesting to life. This sounds like a pretty average first time. The first time I smoked and actually got high I was in my friends jeep wrangler in the middle of the everglades listening to the song Roxanne... that song will forever have a new meaning for me. I also thought I had legitimately fused with the seats of his car. Time passed at 1/10th the normal speed yet it all seemed just as fast. As you know chemicals all affect our biochemistry's differently. Now that I am a more experienced smoker I can enjoy the good effects you talked about (music appreciation/creativity, feelsgoodman, brighter colors) without any of the paranoia and "inconsolable grief/sadness you talked about. Those negative feelings were not a direct cause of the marijuana but of the difference in the quality of your life high vs not high. This is called depersonalization by a lot of people on this forum but I digress. I hope you give weed another try
First time is as unpredictable as next years weather bro. First time I smoked, I was down in the woods by the the train tracks that run through the center of my town and I hallucinated a train. not just a choppy few second flash. I saw the train speeding down the tracks along with auditory train whistle sounds. To this day, the highest I have ever been. First time one of my friends smoked he didn't get high at all. Smoked a few bowl and felt nothing. First time my other friend smoked he just got really dizzy, not high, just nauseaus and dizzy. Seems that the first time smoking effects everyone differently. Just a highdea but I think that this is because the first time you smoke, your body doesn't know what to do about it. Of course the natural tendency would be to try to flush it out of your system and adjust your perception so that you can function as close to normally as possible. But the first few times you smoke, your body doesn't know how to do that so I'ts basically just exploring different perceptions and shit until it finds the one that is closest to just being in your normal state of mind. Which is, under the influence of weed, the feeling that us experienced tokists know and refer to as being high. Fuck, I hope that made sense.