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Fishy fishy fishy

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stone Walled, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. So, the more I lurk around this section of the forum, I become more and more skeptical on the stories I read. Like, how many of these stories are actually real? I feel like 70% of the stories are made up, and are just fabrications of an intoxicated mind. Now don't get me wrong, they're great stories; however, I constantly find myself questioning the credibility of each one. Any thoughts?
  2. Like free weed and such... I agree. It looks like a lot of them are too good to be true. Post number, rep, and attention whoring are all factors. There's also been an onslaught of trolls lately.
  3. Great minds think alike, and live in the same area. I live in 248. Where are you at brotha?
  4. I'm in your general area and I agree. :p
  5. I feel like most of them are mostly real, but often times exaggerated by the mind on weed.
  6. Royal Oak. Where you from?
  7. Well, its not like theres a way to prove that it is or isnt fake.
  8. Live in Rochester Hills, across from OU. I love royal oak, great club scene.
  9. i bet 70% of the stories in a library are made up too man, no big deal. hahaha jk jk i know what you mean.

  10. Haha, yeah I feel ya. I just think it is annoying when people lie about smoking and drinking. What's the point? I mean, it can't be that awesome to yourself if you didn't actually do it. It just looks cool to other people. I guess whatever makes people feel good about themselves...:rolleyes:
  11. Read my signature.
  12. i use this technique when im talking about my penis

  13. I am sorry. Must be a cold situation :smoke:
  14. It's usually pretty obvious if the story is made up or not.
  15. I was at the store the other day and this guy dropped his wallet. I found the wallet, and inside was $40. I kept the money and bought a sack.

    There are tons of stories that are basically on that line where it could be true, and it might not be... but there isn't really any way to know.
  16. Half these stories are full of shit.
  17. Even if some of them are lies who cares. A lot of the realistic ones truth or not are pretty interesting, and at the very least creative.
  18. I understand that they can be quite interesting sometimes, but you can tell when a story is made up. I just want to be able to read a good, true story. That would be one that is not too crazy but not boring at the same time. I understand crazy things happen, but honestly do they really happen this often?

  19. It doesn't necessarily have to be a lie, the person could just be stretching the truth, "I just got a qp of dank for free!" where in all reality they got a gram free.

    As long as the story is entertaining who cares?
  20. This is why we need negative rep back, so that when we feel we are being bullshitted obviously we can rep respectively.

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