Fish Tanks

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by kokopelli, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. Im stoked I just got a new fish tank for my betta and another 10 gal for a couple of other tetras. Its so sweet to get baked and watch them swim around, I cant wait to shroom and stare at the tanks. Anyway, Ill try to post some pics as soon as I get them. :D
  2. Cool, i dont have any aquatic pets at the moment, but i have like 3-4 10 gallon tanks laying around.
    One day they might get something in them, but nothing special. Id get a bigger tank for anything thats not a fish.
  3. cool I have a beta myself
  4. i have a 10 gal planted tank, in it lives my betta, and 3 spotted corys.
  5. im a marine biologist and there is nothing like aquatic life and pot combined!!

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