Fish Emulsion

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by CosmicCactus, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Does 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion affect the taste of the final product?

  2. CosmicCactus,

    In answer to the question, no, fish emulsion will not affect the taste of the final product, I assume you're referring to the "Alaska" brand of fish emulsion.

    Fish fertilizers are great for organic gardening/farming, but a better choice is a liquid fish hydrolysate rather than an emulsion. The hydrolyzed fish ferts are cold processed which preserves the enzymes, as well as the vitamins, hormones and amino acids.

    Emulsions are heat processed, and a lot of the goodies are lost in the processing. Here is a brief rundown of the differences. There are a couple of nationally distributed Fish Hydrolysates that are a good fertilizer if you can source them.

    Neptune's Harvest has a liquid fish product and one with fish and kelp, which is also a good pick. The Drammatic brand will also serve you well. If you live in an area where it is hard to source this is a great deal and they'll ship to your door for under 25 bucks.

    Lastly, fish hydrolysates are good additives to AACT's. They help boost fungal hyphae in the teas. These microbes are important in helping the uptake of phosphorus.


  3. I use Alaska 5-1-1. It works great. I live on a island though.. and it's hard as hell to get anything out of the ordinary. I'll have to look into the Fish Hydrolysates...I'm sure I can order them online. The selection at my garden store is 95% MG crap.. and I won't let that stuff into my grow.

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