I found a bottle of fish emulsion with kelp in my garage, says its 4-1-1, would this be ok to give plants during veg? Would I need to give them anything else(besides cal/mag)? Thanks
I use AK fish emulsion for my moms and rooted clones and it is 5-1-1 and they seem to love it. I use 2 ounces per gallon of water with a single drop of superthrive in the mix. Hope this helps ya. Wolf
It's basically a fish smoothie. Often has kelp and fish poop too. mmm! You can even make your own... although it would be smelly as hell! How to Make Fish Fertilizer | eHow.com
oh dear god sounds bloody awful what is it with growing weed and smelly solutions like using your own pee!? id rather do non smelly ideas lol
Smelly=sulfur-rich. It takes smelly fertilizers to make smelly buds, although I hear adding molasses to the fish emulsion can kill the smell... and that stuff does smell wretched!