First Times with KPins.. Oh boy.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by CuT iT OuT, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Well I had never tried KPins (as you can tell by the title) in my life until this weekend. 311 came into town so all of my friends and I went to the concert and got drunk. It got fucked up and canceled so we went out to go drink. My buddy asks if I want to split a perc 30 with him, I happily take him on the offer.

    After that we head in and he shows me a bottle. He tells me they are Kpins so I get excited because I've been wanting to try it. He gave me about twelve but I only took 3 that night. Next thing I know my girlfriend picks us up for a blunt, we smoke it, then my night is over.

    I wake up the next day thinking I feel fine. Next thing I know I'm nodding off out of control. I was in a complete daze and the day couldn't end any sooner. When it did I think I went home and slept for a long while.

    When I awoke I thought I'd give it another shot, maybe I'd remember some of it this time. So I pop two of them and just chill until my girlfriend picked me up yet again to smoke a blunt. By the time she had dropped me off at my friends house after I had forgetten the whole night. I woke up the next day not even knowing I was there.

    Here's the good part. Night rolls around the next day and my buddy was having a party. I dropped two more before I started drinking and then just went off. My memory was very spotty but then it just went to shit. I popped two more pills and finally walked home at around four smoking a blunt.

    Needless to say I'm going to be sticking away from them for a bit.
  2. yea that shit will leave u wondering wtf happened.
  3. oh yeah, thats benzos for ya. And the alcohol definitely didnt help with the memory

    next time take like 4 mg, and when it hits smoke a big bowl of herbz..that always puts me on lean mode.:smoking::smoking:

    its called the NOT GIVE A FUCK MODE ahaha
  4. haha what was the strength of the k.pins. I have a script. Ya they are a major depressant for anxiety or seizures. max recommended dose is 2 mg at a time 4 mg a day. The pills come in .5mg 1 and 2. and even with the smaller doses, benzos will fuck you up if you drink on them. Oh and as for sleep, they will make you sleep like a baby. Your body will quickly build a tolerance to them though. So don't take them too often, as you can also grow dependant upon them.

    Musta been a good night cuz you can't remember shit. And ya comcast center... I was gonna go to that show but didn't even have enough money for lawn tickets. Some of my buddies went though. ziggy marley and 311 w00t. Wish I coulda been there. Didn't they reschedule the concert?
  5. are you going to go to 311 today ? Im going with a bunch of my friends, plan on getting drunk and obviously blazing. it sucks that the day it got cancelled wasnt raining and now it is.
  6. Benzo+drinky drink=I took a shit on who's front lawn?! Everything seems like a good idea at the time.

    It is also a dangerous combo for respiratory reasons so exercise caution.

    K-pins also last a long time and linger in your blood even after you feel "sober" so taking other drugs later in the day or even next morning will mix.

    Still sounds like you had a good time. :)
  7. mmm clonaziez.
    Fuck up my judgement worse than any other benzo.
  8. you think benzos are bad, trying taking a shitload of ambien when you have a tolerance to the sedative effect. walking fucking zombie, no joke
  9. kpins are awesome...but fuuuck man, they're hard as fuck to find right now..same with xanax...none of the dudes i know on the block has them and they are usually 20 feet from any pill/most drugs. kinda dissappointing...i just went on a hunt for them but it was too hot out...police on bikes/ghosts driving around...fuck it
  10. for real? temezepam/triazolan/xanax all hit me a lot harder than klonopins, maybe because i'm prescribed klonopin, who knows.
  11. That's because you have a tolerance... I am prescribed them too and they don't do much for me either

    Oh and as for ambien, it doesn't make me tired. I don't even need to fight the sedative effects. I was pissed though because I had got prescribed them to help me sleep and all they do is make me trip. I certainly don't mind tripping. I just don't want to trip when I would like to be sleeping
  12. Not that they hit me harder but fuck up my judgment.
    I would take a xanax over a clonazepam any day.
  13. I agree with SS. Ive done a bunch of illegal, random ass shit on kpins but not at all on xanax. And I prefer xanax over kpins.
  14. i guess everyone is different cuz i've done the dumbest shit of my life on xanax and nothing bad on kpins and i've done a lot of both.

  15. Yeaah, it's good to have a buddy that just happens to have them now. Although he isn't all about to sell me much more anytime soon haha.

    I woke up at my house looking for my phone one of the mornings...

    it was in the refrigerator.
  16. so ya i drank on only 1.5mg and I remember going to bed but i didn't remember taking my boxers off... I usually sleep with them on. I guess for some reason I felt like sleeping naked.
  17. Fuck klonopin. I lost a week of my life to those little yellow fuckers... Still to this day I hear people including me in stories of things we did that week, I have NO recollection of them.

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