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First Timer with Edibles, haaaalp

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by CaptainCupcake, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. So I have never made edibles, ever... I know absolutely nothing about the process...

    My best friend who has never consumed/smoked green wants to try edible brownies, well as my boyfriend.

    So... can anyone give me not only a great tasting party brownie recipe but a step by step instruction/guide on what to do?

    How much weed should I be using for brownies in a 9x12 pan?

    We don't want to just relax, we want to get super fucking baked.
  2. Are you allowed to smoke bud in your home?
    I ask because if you're making edibles, it's gonna stink up your whole house :D
  3. No one really cares about it; butttt... one roomie is like 40 years old and I have no idea if she is okay with it.

    My plan was to get up super early (like 7 am?) when everyone is at work and make them with the windows open and such... the 40 year old usually doesn't get home until 7-9 pm or so, do you think if I keep the windows open with fans and such and even clean the kitchen with bleach that the smell will dissipate by the time she gets home? o_O
  4. yep that should be fine,
    im not very experienced with edibles,
    my mate does most of the edible cooking haha!
    i'll get him to write you up a recipe if you don't get much help on this thread.
    good luck
  5. are you experienced with eating them? somehow I'm afraid it won't work, that we won't get high. Is it more intense/less intense?

    I've had edibles only once before, but I'm not sure how much green was actually in it.
  6. i've eaten about 20 brownies in total over the years, not a big edible fan coz i'm too lazy to cook shit >:D

    but you will get high :D
    it's not the same stone you get from bongs,
    for me i get more of a body stone off edibles.

    how much bud are you thinking of putting in it?
  7. #7 Dizz845, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    When making cannabutter I suggest AT LEAST a half ounce mid grade weed for every 2 sticks of butter. Consider using an entire ounce if you really want to get SHMACKED out the dome piece.


    Forgot to mention that once you do make your brownies eat only ONE PIECE and sit around and WAIT for at least an hour and a half before eating more. Some people get too high when they try edibles for the first time and trust me, it's no day at the beach. Just keep in mind it can take up to an hour and a half for the high to kick in sometimes, and it really IS better to be safe than sorry on this one.

  8. I was thinking of putting 1/8 in whatever measurement of oil is called for in a store bought box of brownie mix...

    My friend and boyfriend have never been high before and I want them to have a shit load of fun. Do you think 1/8 will do the trick if we all each have 3 or 4 (maybe even 5, or just enormous pieces) brownies out of a 30 piece serving?

  9. Thanks so much for the info. <3 You probably saved me from a sucky over high.
  10. Dizz845 is right...If you make ur edibles too dank, they will creep up on you and get you so blown that ur not comfortable. I made myself some dank ones and got lowkey paranoia and i have high tolerance when smoking. be careful eat slowly
  11. I used a quarter for 2 stick and it made 1 batch of cookies from a box
  12. #12 Dizz845, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    This is by far the worst idea I've heard all day. I say this because if they've never smoked weed before they already have the lowest possible tolerance. And Edibles gets you WAAAAAAAAAAAY higher than smoking normally would (if prepared properly of course). That first timer might bug out and think his hearts gonna beat out of his chest and not be able to feel comfortable for like 6-8 hours. No joke.
  13. Making edible is kinda risky for first times i guess,
    because it's easy to make mistakes with measurements,
    too much, too little etc...

    You'd be better of smoking bongs, or passing around a blunt :smoke:
  14. how so? I have no idea what to do... so if I'm being retarded help correct me

  15. Trust me I'd much rather be smoking, but both of them detest smoking. They're not willing to smoke but they are willing to try edibles.

  16. okay, so I will just follow your advice and everyone will eat one 3 inch by 3 inch piece and wait an hour and a half.... should that be enough for them to get pretty high but not uncomfortable?
  17. #17 Dizz845, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    The secret to cooking edibles is using LOW HEAT. follow the instructions to the T and be sure to have an oven thermometer. You do not want the oven to reach temps any higher that 350 degrees (I suggest 320). While making cannabutter just remember you want a very low simmer for anywhere up to 6 hours (I suggest at least 2). You melt 2 sticks of butter on a really LOW HEAT and maintain a LOW and STEADY SIMMER on a REALLY LOW HEAT! Once the butter is melted and light simmer has been accomplished, add your FINELY GROUND UP BUD (Half ounce to ounce of reggs) and let it simmer for up to 6 hours but at least 2. Make sure to check on the mixture frequently to avoid burning the marijuana!! After you make your cannabutter pour it into your brownie mix accordingly, follow mixing and baking instructions then place the mixture into a pan and bake at 320 degrees for 35 minutes. Let it cool and enjoy. (Once piece at a time)

  18. Whhhaatt!
    whats wrong with smoking! :)
    oh well, read up on threads on how to make cannabutter.
    thats like the main ingredient.
    make cannabutter, then subsititute cannabutter for the butter in your recipe.

    Ps: No offence, but tell your friends to toughen the fuck up! :smoke:

  19. I personally prefer smoking; but I totally respect their desire to not want to smoke. My friend's mom has lung cancer and there's no way I'm going to impose on her views especially when in an emotional situation like that.

    I love smoking, but I don't think it's about being tough, they want to get high and do it a more healthy way. No shame in that.

  20. Thanks *SO* much for your advice and help, it really is greatly appreciated and I am certain it would have been a disaster had it not been for your advice. Seriously, thank you. <3

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