First this good?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by xsubxwooferx, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. What I did was fill cup with soil...poke holes in bottom...Pour water in it to get wet...waited about 10 mins from water to drain...put germinated seed about inch down in soil with root tip down....Put ziplock bag over it with rubberband securing it....thats it.

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  2. If you insist on using a bag to raise humidity, be sure to open it often to
    let air in and out
  3. Well have bag on to hopefully keep the soil moist?
  4. Looking good a time honored and tested technique :D
  5. under lights or sunlight?
  6. Right now its in a shoe box in the dark till it sprouts....then, prob under bulbs
  7. that sounds good. i germ mine the same way.

    just remember when after they sprout to take the bag off right away.
  8. lol i will im just worried that when it sprouts and me not know yet that it will suffocate it and die...deciding if I should just leave it on or take it off now...only been like 4 hours since planted in soil.
  9. just try and check it every 12 hours you should be fine.
  10. Alright and btw....if I had seed germinated in wet paper towel and set in cup of water for like 5 days and you can see maybe lil smaller than a pinky finger of root tip ...would it still grow in soil?
  11. Yeah generally all were doing when "germinating" is just helping the shell "crack" technically you can just drop seeds in soil in a cup poor water cover and you will get a sprout. Just only some respond to this so to guarantee success its easier to stimulate the environment and help the baby on its way.:smoke:
  12. @OP -- good job man! i do mine the same way..

    so yeah like you said, keep it in dark until it sprouts than put it under proper lighting..

    i DO want to commment about ur transparent solo cup though.. light will seep out through the sides.. so you want to wrap that with aluminum tape to keep light in.. OR tranplant it into a pot.. but other than that, lookin good :D
  13. Even if it takes days like 5 days before it sprouts do I not add any bit of water during those days?......When it does sprout and I take the bag off, How many times a week should I water?
  14. yeah, do not add ANY water until after its sprouted.. and yes, once u see the sprout take off the bag and put under light..

    as far as watering.. the general rule is ... put ur finger in the soil, if about 1in down is dry, then water.. if its still moist your good to go..
  15. Since your checking it every 12 hours or so you can see if the soil is drying out, but with the humidity bag you shouldn't need to add water. The only thing that you could do is put it on a heating pad and get it in the 80's to speed up germination, if you have one (and if you do this monitor temp don't burn it at like 105 degrees.)

    The first week you can pretty much water with a spray bottle daily, just getting moister on top of the medium. Really its a moisture issue and you should be able to test the moisture level with touch of your finger on the medium. If its dry let her have some water. After a week you should have some root development and be watering every other day if not everyday.

    By two weeks she should be ready for a bigger container and watering every day with nutes every other day. This will all depend on environment and any stunting issues.:D
  16. Well so far been over a day and nothing coming up yet :-(
  17. It has now been 3 days ...soil is still moist....nothing has came up :-(

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