First timer 400w HPS White Rhino

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by kymypoontang, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Hi GC,

    Join me for my first grow, feel free to tell me off for doing something wrong or add input/advice, I want this to be as successful as possible and I want to learn as much as possible along the way.

    Seeds: White Rhino
    Lights: 400w HPS
    Medium: organic potting mix
    Nutrients: none so far, have yet to pick them up.
    Grow tent: .8m x .6m x 1.6m
    Exhaust: 2 Spd 125mm Fan with Odorlok Sok


    Digital pH tester
    pH up/down
    Planter bags
    jiffy pellets

    Ok, So I started by placing 5 seeds in a cup of water, waiting for them to sink I prepared 5 Jiffy pellets. Took about 2 hours for all 5 seeds to sink to the bottom. I planted all 5 seeds into the Jiffy pellets about 1 inch deep. Placed in glasses and covered with cling wrap.

    About 2pm today ( 2days later) I have sprouts in 4 of the 5 with the other just coming through now. I have kept them under the cling wrap to keep in moisture. They are sitting 24" below the light.

    Is this an Ok distance from the light for my babies? Should I plant the jiffy pellets into the first size of planter bags?

    any advice welcome.

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  2. I put my babies into planter bags, I have a feeling I got one size too big but oh well should be ok. With hps lighting should I be using 18/6?

    Will post pics later tonight.
  3. So here is the picture of them in their new planter bags.

    The soil seems to dry out very quickly ( within 4 hours) How do I combat this? is it the fan or lights too close?

    Help is appreciated.


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  4. Day:5

    Have just picked up a MH lamp for vegging. Seems to be a bit hotter, is this normal? Should I roll with a 18/6 or just leave 24/7?

    Here is some pictures. Sorry not the best quality, shite camera

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  5. im 4 weeks into my white rhino grow simular to urs dr100 tent 600w hps soil/organic nutes. im tuned infor this grow!
  6. Thanks for replying guys!! they are on 24/7 atm, just not sure if I should change it down to 18/6 if its better or somthing?
  7. well the lights being off for 6 hrs will definetly help prevent heat stress and give the plant some time to grow. they seem to do most of the noticeable growing at night or at least it seems that running an 18/6 now and they seem to be doing great. but like i said its really up to you although 90% of the ppl u ask will say 18/6
  8. tuning in for this one. already tried a gro with cfl's. now its the mh/hps time to start soon...and youre starting about the same time im wanting to :) (blu dream)

    it wont hurt to stick with 24/7 or 18/6...especially since its so early in the stage theres not much risk of heat making matters worse.

    18/6 should be good in a week or two or so, is what i would do?

    its all about feelin your plant. you will know exactly what is wrong when she shows signs of :eek: at any given time. you will research it and know will just know.

    i found out that watering is crucial, drainage (controlling stem rot AND allowing more c02 to the roots. nutes are crucial!get good ones.

    PH PH PH, with your pen youre golden, dolomite lime is all i gotta say...and watch away!

    she should be pretty as hell, cant wait to see how she blows!... ZOOT ZOOT!
  9. Thanks for the help !! I will program the timer today and start the 18/6 soon. Ive noticed the MH bulb takes the heat up to high 80's so hopefully the 6 hours down time will bring the heat down a bit.

  10. keep that temp in range...or keep fan goin with the timers accordingly.
  11. Should I keep the fans going while the lights are off?
  12. Ok aparantly my ballast doesnt like the digital timer, any suggestions?. My setup goes wall>extention cord>4 way plug> timer > ballast.
  13. I use mechanical timers only, reliable and cheap. Also, I always do 24/7 in veg, though I have tried 18/6 as well, only difference was slower growth. The main point here is heat-stress, which is a serious problem. But if you put your hand for a minute at the same height as the plants, and your skin feels comfortable, so do they. Keep the oscillating fan blowing, and adjust the light to the optimum height, as you want maximum lumens hitting your precious plants.
    Considering watering, this can be a bit of a trick if you're new at the game. Over-watering causes as much problems as under-watering, so here's what I would do if I was uncertain: fill your pot/bag with dry medium, weigh it, water it until wet, but not soaky, weigh again. Now you have points of reference, and this way you can compare moisture-loss. Over time you will know when to water by weighing the pot/bag in your hands, which strains drink more or less and the difference in consumption during the cycle and evaporation compared to the lighting they receive and also to the temperature and relative humidity.
  14. Sweet I shall go get a mechanical timer, don't they only do one 24 hour rotation? so I have to set it everyday?

    Btw I think my plants are getting heat stressed, They seem really dry ( leaves ) and almost like a powdery feeling... I'm not sure if its just the light bulb but sometimes they seem to have almost a black coloration to them. Any help?

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  15. #16 pompel, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    No, you don't have to set it everyday, it's like a 24h watch running on electricity. Your plants will thrive if you foilar-feed them with seaweed/kelp-extract and a little bit of nutrients (follow instructions carefully), try with 25-50% strength first, and pay close attention. Remember to add a little surfactant (or even a few drops of dishwasher-soap will help, try one without a million chemicals), ensuring that the liquid sticks to the leafs, turn the fan off and lift the lights an additional 1 foot when spraying (invest $10 in a quality sprayer, rinse with water and hydrogen-peroxide occasionally). Mixing in garlic juice and pepperwax (can be bought as a finished article) deters insects. Also, now that your plants is developing a root system, I would add a little root growth stimulator. When re-potting next time, try to sprinkle a little mycorrhizae in the root-hole, and you will get faster growth and healthier plants.
    PS: make sure that your medium isn't wet at all times (wait until it's noticeably lighter before watering); give the roots an opportunity to breathe between waterings.
  16. Update:

    Have changed the lighting schedule to 18/6 to try reduce the heat stress/ general heat coming from the MH lamp.

    Have seen some good growth over the last few days.

    I'm very excited :D

    Thanks for all the help that has been provided, this community is fantastic.

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  17. Babies are looking good. Ive grown wr and they are very strong plants, and take nutrients very well. It is an excelent strain to get your feet wet with.

    Heat at this stage is an issue. Keep temp at mid 80's at the most. I keep a fan gently blowing 24/7, it helps make stem strong. Watch out for stretch. You'll notice it if lights are to far away.

    Here is a couple pics of what your working for. White Rhino...about 4z per plant. Good luck. If you got any questions stop by my journal, lots of great growers coming through the doors always willing to help.:D

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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