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first time with thc pills

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kelzer, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. was wondering how long it will take to kick in and how potent they are?
  2. I wouldn't know, but if it's called a THC pill.

    Im sure you will be knocked on your ass in no time :hippie:
  3. did you make em or what?

    tell us more about these pills, mysterio.
  4. If it's marinol prepare to be underwhelmed.

  5. Im pretty sure they are sold in dispensaries...

    Watch Super High Me and tell me they don't have THC pills lol.
  6. ya i have a mmj card and they're the pills from the dispensary

  7. settle down, son. im not calling him a liar. you need to work on your reading comprehension. ;)

    just joking.

    and btw i did see super high me but i dont recall much about it bc i thought it was fucking stupid.
  8. Yea if it's marinol there is no "kicking in", marinol is a big failure of a drug.
  9. They definitely exist... I'm pretty sure they have them at some dispensary in Whoknowswhere...Why don't you try one and get back to us?

  10. Lol im not like coming at you or anything, I'm just saying :p.

    It's a stoner forum, relax. All we want to do is get high haha:)

    But yeah, it was a little stupid. The guy who did it was a total douche imo. Rather annoying, but whatever. The only part I really liked was when they were in the dispensaries.
  11. i was just asking what he's talking about. i mean i have heard of homemade thc pills.
  12. why not ask at the dispensary you got them from then? surely they have more knowledge about them than we do. your description of "they are thc pills from the dispensary" doesn't really give us a lot to work with.
  13. i really hope you got taht from a legit dispensary. and i really hope thats not synthetic cannibanoids (which have bad longterm effects on your body).

    either way, ingesting THC is always alot more potent and a higher duration high than smoking. should start kicking it 1-2 hrs after consumption but sometimes even 3 hrs in and will last for a good 6-8 hrs.
  14. got a source? i'm not aware of a single long term study done on any of them, and as far as i know the first discovery of jwh was about 15 years ago.
  15. No, Marinol is effective in increasing one's appetite.
  16. Haha, a friend of mine who has his MMP card, had bought these from a dispensery and gave me one to try. Be prepared to be overwhelmed lol. I took one, and it had me pretty fucked up. And the coolest part, was no red eyes either. I dunno if that was just a coincidence or not though. One pill is about the equivelent to a pretty chronic bowl IMO.
  17. yeah there's some sources on Erowid or you can google some products which use synthetic cannibanoids such as spice gold and see why it was banned from many places for harmful effects on your nerves.

    but the big picture is why would you want to use synthetic cannibanoids when you can use the real deal?
  18. Lol, I know which products contain JWH, I'm experienced with it. You said there was a long term study done which I was questioning. Erowid has no long term study reports, and like I said I do not know of a single one that has been done.

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