Just decided to try something different this past week, Normally I don't smoke tobacco unless it's a special occasion (maybe a cigarette with a friend every month or so, or even a rare hookah sesh) Never been addicted to tobacco before though, I've smoked but never quite got hooked. So I had some left over bud remaining and a few smokes laying about (people sometimes leave them here and they say I can have them if I want so I can usually find one or two laying about randomly. I decided I would try out a spliff for the first time, oh boy, now that was tasty. I normally don't smoke joints so often (usually bong loads) So it was quite a treat, the tobacco gives you a nice starting buzz right off the bat and it seems to roll along once you burn the weed. It tasted pretty good and for just having a cardboard filter, it wasn't that harsh at all. The high lasted a bit longer than normal and I didn't have any cravings for tobacco afterwards (never really do though) I used around 70/30 Weed/Tobacco. For anyone who can stand the taste/smoke of tobacco (unfiltered) Give it a try, don't use too much tobaccy at first though, you might not like it. Please feel free to share your thoughts/opinions on spliffs. Happy smoking
Hellyes dude, smoked my first spliff when i was 15 and i havn't gone back since. i even mix tobacco in my bowls lol
Personally I hate tobacco mixed with my weed. Last time I felt like shit after I smoked a blunt that someone left tobacco in. It's just not for me I guess.
People who say they felt like shit, didn't actually feel like shit! It's something they say cause they are so pro-cannabis, they feel the need to be anti-tobacco! I like a good spliff, 70/30, weed bacci.
Only way I smoke my bud is in spliffs. Normally have hash, and that pretty much means I have to mix with tobacco. No bong as I broke mine a few years ago, and never replaced it; it wasn't my preferred method of toking anyhow. Lost my little one-hitter that I brought back from the 'Dam.
It's tradition over here init, very rarely come across somebody that DOESN'T smoke spliffs Would never go any lower than like 60% weed though, then the baccy taste starts coming through too strong
Yeah, it seems to be a pretty european thing, Not many seem to roll them around here I can't stand too much tobacco in them (can't be less than 70% bud ) Mainly because it's unfiltered (besides the crutch). Funny thing here in Canada though is if people see a spliff they are disgusted (even when there is a lot of bud and not much tobacco) And then they go to smoking their king size cigarettes one after another. It doesn't really ruin the taste of bud... If anything, it makes it a bit smoother (not that the bud I smoke isn't smooth and clean. Fully flushed too) depending on the tobacco it can add flavour aswell.
It allows the bud to burn easier and more evenly, and it makes ones weed go further. What's not to love? If you're a smoker at least
I never really smoke joints, spliffs or otherwise. I'm more of a piece/glass guy but my all time fav' method of toking is buckets and sometimes mixing a couple drops of tobacco in with the weed does my high/buzz alot of good. But i use minimual tobacco, too much and i feel sick.
Spliffs are the best, I roll them all the time. I'd say I do a 50/50 mix. I do this for stealth. I'll get off the train and fire one up as I walk through downtown. The tobacco smoke seems to mask the weed smoke.
Tray to get some natural tobacco, like just the leafs. That way you will be avoiding all the bad chemicals added in there.
lol dunno what cigarettes you're smoking man but tobacco most definitly does not cover up the smell of weed, just a heads up On another note, the way you lot all hate smoking doobs with baccy in, is the same how I feel about smoking them without baccy haha. Once on occasion or in a blunts cool, but I find the tobacco generally just makes joints smoke down a lot more nicely, and it goes a bit further as it takes longer to smoke down.
[quote name='"VladTepes"']Yeah, it seems to be a pretty european thing, Not many seem to roll them around here I can't stand too much tobacco in them (can't be less than 70% bud ) Mainly because it's unfiltered (besides the crutch). Funny thing here in Canada though is if people see a spliff they are disgusted (even when there is a lot of bud and not much tobacco) And then they go to smoking their king size cigarettes one after another. It doesn't really ruin the taste of bud... If anything, it makes it a bit smoother (not that the bud I smoke isn't smooth and clean. Fully flushed too) depending on the tobacco it can add flavour aswell.[/quote] You know what disgusts me? People who lump all of Canada together. Me and my friends love a good spliff.
I love spliffs been rollin them for 4 yrs, now if i smoke a joint it taste harsh to me and yes i love some pipe tobacco mixed with my bowls, vanilla candy pipe tobacco?! tasty Plus it really does make my stash last 2x as long
Well.... Like it's been said countless times, spliffs are generally a uk/euro thing. the MAJORITY of people in the west don't like spliffs. Some still do. didn't mean to sound rude, sorry.
dude i tried spliffs for the first time a few weeks ago and they're so nice! lol i always want to be smoking a spliff now
not gunna lie i love blunts. never tried a spliff just green for me but back to blunts everytime i smoke one i get wayyy more burnt out than i would smoking the same through bongs so imo i think it effects you
Also with spliffs depending on the weed to tobacco ratio, one can kill two birds with one stone(no pun intended), especially if one smokes cigarettes, also if one likes blunts spliffs are another way to get a similar buzz. However it would be advisable to use natural tobacco such as American spirit or bugler.