First time topping and LST. They look alright?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by CeejFarm, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. Hey everyone! Can you give me any advice or critique my grow?

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  2. Lookin good. Keep on truckin.
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  3. like the doo-dah man
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  4. Why are they so droopy? Topping is right, but plant is looking droopy. I like how your plant look on your profile pic tho.
  5. I think thats the lst just making them look that way..they look perfect to me
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  6. Lots of growth since last post!! Decided today was time to throw in the trellis net and took out most of the LST ties to let the colas grow more predominantly upward since they have bushed outward ALOT. How am I looking my friends? :biggrin:

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