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First time smoking dank

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HiHighHi, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. I've been smoking for a lil' while now and I've usually been getting beasters, so good stuff but never really dank stuff, this weekend I'm getting some OG kush, what should I expect? anything gonna be really different? Or just a more intense high.
  2. Better Taste, smell, smoke, high.

    Longer high, more enjoyable.
  3. Well to be honest it's probably not OG Hash. Not a lot of people truly know what they are smoking, everyone tries to make their weed sound good and hope new smokers are attracted.

  4. This is so true, unless you have a extremely legit connect (grower, knows the grower, mmj card, ect) I doubt they are telling the truth and not just making up names to up the profit.
  5. It really doesn't matter what you call it, dank is dank. Prepare for an amazing taste, smell, and smoother hits. The high is a lot more intense if you smoke as much as you normally would. It's worth every extra penny

  6. Yeah. I can tell the difference between good and bad bud but I don't think anyone can look at it and be sure of what strain it is.
    The idea is to get new smokers to buy decent weed and hope it makes them high as fuck so it's believable and they come back.

    Either way, dank weed is dank.

  7. Nah dude, I've known this girl for a while, went to school with her etc. She grows it herself too so yeah :p Its legitimate OG Kush. its a new connect to. So I haven't had her before.

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