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First time smoker in dire need of assistance

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BasedETV, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Hey guys! So, I really want to smoke for my first time now since I've never smoked before and I have a few questions about all of this. So, a few things I want out of my trip is to be calmed down, a lot more creative, and to just be a happier spirit. I am currently struggling with anxiety and depression so I want a way to be able to take a break from those for awhile (but thats not the only reason I want to. I also just want to try it). Secondly, how should I go about smoking it? I want to be alone when I do it, and I don't have access to a bong, but I do have a pipe and i'm able to make joints, so which one of those are better? So, what strain of marijuana is the best for what I said, (I dont want to spend too much, but I still want those things). What should I expect to pay? How much should I get? Peace out guys, thanks for all of your help.

  2. Umm...where are you purchasing from, a dealer or dispensary? Because I don't think you'll be able to take a strain suggestion from us and take it to a dealer. They're gonna be like ".........I got weed."
    Anyways, a pipe is always nice, go for that. So you can take small hits, put it out, chill for a minute, take another toke, put it out; see how it affects you.
  3. #3 BudButler, Nov 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2014
    im in a good mood so lets see what we can do here
    first know that anxiety can some time be increased it happens to everyone
    as far strains most people claim sativa is my likely to increase anxiety though that is often the more creative side of things also not that indica can't help with that but it is generally a more body high indacouch is a good way to remember it if you are buying from a dealer then everything is the same because you simply cant know if from a dispensary mainly just ignore the names and pay attention to the indica and sativa labeling for the moment if you have a pipe i would personally use that it's less of a commitment if you need to stop for a few were as a joint will just keep on burning till you put it out i live in Oregon and at the moment you wouldn't pay more then $10 a gram but some places are often $20 a gram don't pay more then that per gram though at that point you are just getting ripped off and for your first time buy just a gram and smoke like half that (dealers dislike selling small amount generally anything under a gram they wont do) and you should be more then high enough beyond that do what ever feels right  don't try to do stuff to "see" if your high just do what you would normally do when you have free time and your kickin it also have some water with you the smoke is going to be hot and cotton mouth is a bitch
    enjoy that unpunctuated unorganized stream of thought
  4. just don't expect it to be a "trip" though. It's just weed, not worth over thinking it. just smoke a bowl of whatever you can get your hands on and... BLAST OFF!
  5. Similar to what was said above.

    Street weed is "junk weed", generally, and you have NO clue what you're getting. You might be getting "synthetic weed", for all you know.
    Everyone reacts differently...I react back assward from "normal" to indicas and sativas...indicas give me more of a cerebral high, sativas more of a body high.

    A "trip" is from a HALLUCINOGEN, not a psychoactive, but a psychotropic. "Psychedelic" is a sociological, not physiological term, and has to do with...well, the behavior/habits of the "hippie generation counterculture". That's the ONLY manner in which THC and LSD/'shrooms are related.

    Under 30% of users report increased anxiety/paranoia from just use. 90% +/- of those STOP experiencing it when they know the physiological reasons for the physical feelings that induce the mental response.

    It will ONLY help with depression if your issue isn't one that can be successfully treated with SSRIs, because it discourages dopamine production. The two are interrelated. You take SSRIs to resist the reuptake of serotonin so serotonin and dopamine balances remain healthy. So if you've ever been successfully treated with Prozac, Zoloft, or similar, forget it. It'll make it worse, not better. Feel better when high, be MUCH worse when it wears off.

    A joint is THE most wasteful way to lose most of your smoke to the surrounding air. A pipe, "cupping" the top of the bowl and releasing the carb to clear the pipe is better, bong still better, vaporizer the best, for inhaling, as far as efficiency and not wasting airborne THC. That's for dry flower. Concentrates and edibles, a whole different story.

    Creativity...mixed results. "Creativity" is a psychochemically "manic" trait. That's why bipolars and schizoids are often GREAT artists...similar issues with neurochemistry, and when the balance is what triggers mania in bipolars, ideas come fast and uncontrollably. Similar to schizoids, but they have more issues with hallcuinatory psychosis resulting from it. You'll be "more creative" while actively high, if you aren't having "the wrong effect" on your depression.

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