I was at a local dispensary, and bought some of their pre-rolls to try out their product. After a couple of pre-rolls, I found a seed. Luck of the draw for me, because I haven't seen any seeds in any of the 1/8ths or bigger that I've bought. I planted the seed in mid-July (I wish I had planted it earlier, and now know better). Luckily I'm in the southern states, where it's quite warm still. Anyhow, wanted thoughts if this is just a weird hybrid, a mutation, or something completely different than cannabis. My girlfriend is convinced it's not cannabis, but I have hope yet. If this is indeed cannabis, at what point will it start to add aroma to the air?
Well dang. Anyhow, I'm definitely interested and going to get a few going for next season. Better luck for me next time I have plenty of time to read and learn before the spring comes around.
I planted the seed. It was a cannabis seed. Whether or not the seed sprouted.... seems like it didn't. We do have other herbs and flowers around, her guess is something else unexpectedly took root.
whatever that is....? it should be very stinky as its in much flower right now, if no stink I would not toke good luck
So that's why they call them pot bellied pigs! Lmao.. Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Amaranthus Retroflexus, redroot pigweed. It is edible but I doubt it contains enough calories to cause a potbelly so it probably not why they call them potbellied pigs. Humans could be called potbellied pigs because of our current eating habits. Pull it up, OP. See if the taproot is red.
That's what I thought also but after I took a closer look Eds right it's pigweed. The bottom left picture gives it away.