First time shrooms tonight.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Nag Hamadi, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. I'm picking up an 1/8 of shrooms tonight and this is my first time tripping. Should I eat the whole 1/8? I've heard orange juice can help intensify the effects too. Any tips would be appreciated.
  2. Don't eat the whole eighth at once. Eat like half, wait an hour and just munch on em.

    a whole eighth at once if it's ur first time. It may be too intense.
  3. 2.5-3gs to start and you should be straight in for a good night . if its not enough eat the rest

    just have a good surrounding/settings and some friends

    and i dunno anything about oj maybe somebody else can help you with that
  4. i wouldn't eat the whole 1/8

    from erowid:
    "Recreational doses range from 1-5 grams of dry mushrooms depending on the species and individual strength of the specimens. Dosages for wet mushrooms will be approximately 10 times higher (10-50 grams). Because different species vary in size, the number of mushrooms per gram will also vary. "
  5. I ate an eighth my first time and I had the funnest experience of my life.

    Personally I would wait untill tomorrow so you wont fall asleep before the trip is done.
  6. God.. I want to get my hands on some shrooms!

  7. 1. you wont fall asleep, you wont get any sleep is more like it

    2. eat the whole 8th

  8. Yeah lmao you can't sleep on shrooms
  9. man the first time i took shrooms, i ate WAAAy more than an eighth by accident dude & that shit was fucking CRRRAZY
  10. the first time i ate shrooms i ate a whole eighth but it didn't really fuck me up THAT much because of the medication I was on at the time. Kind of a waste of money.
  11. take the 1/8 its fun as hell
  12. Yeah, I say take the whole eigth, your probably already took them haa, my first time was my best experience on shrooms to this date, enjoy yourself.
  13. I just ate some shrooms and I am about to get a glass of orange juice.
  14. Go big or go home :rolleyes:
  15. Ended up eating the whole 1/8 through the night. I'm thinking the shrooms I got weren't very potent/high quality. I basically just felt a really relaxing body high, and the only hallucination being the shower curtain in my bathroom breathing. Slight nausea toward the end and in the morning.
  16. take the 1/8 but unsterstand its going to be very crazy and intense before you do so.
  17. If you'll read the post right before yours, I did eat the 1/8 and it wasn't very crazy or intense. Pretty enjoyable high, but I didn't trip. Felt very giggly and relaxed all over and saw/heard my shower curtain breathing.
  18. well the mushrooms must have been pretty halfass then

    i've had shrooms that had everybody tripping off of 2 grams.. tripping hard too, the two people who hadent done them before were rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably, it was pretty awesome.

    Every time i've taken an 1/8 the trip has been very intense apart from when we just got crappy shrooms

    ive done alot of cubensis (sp?), i started off taking 1 gram.. and i still tripped pretty hard. Now days i eat like 4 grams whenever i do mushrooms, atleast 2 no matter what.

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