First Time Ripped off $300- Need Advice!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by pigggy34, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. So I was just ripped off $300. A kid I used to work with said that he was trying to get rid of some zips before he left on vacation. I've bought from him before (not the best stuff, but definitely not the worst). So we get to the spot and we are both in are cars, he says he gonna hand it through the window. I ask to see it and he shows it and then I thought he put it in the backpack but didn't. I gave him the 300 and he left. I checked the bag and it was there so I chased him but lost him.
    What do I do? I know where he lives, what car he drives, and some of my friends could hit him up. Any help is appreciated, I'm really pissed. Obviously retrospect is 20/20 so I'm kicking myself for things I could have done differently. Thanks! Also now I have zero money to spend on green and all I have is a couple of nugs left.
  2. #2 Deleted member 281310, Jul 31, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2017
    just never deal with them again and grow wiser.
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  3. Is it just here in england where the dealer gives you weed first? Every plug I know gives me the green first then I give them cash :confused_2:
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  4. Man hell the money stays in my pocket until the weeds in my hand lol then I stick the shit in my pocket and grab the money.

    Grow journal
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  5. Print his picture and make tons of copies. Post them around his neighborhood and in neighbors doors.

    It's should read:

    "This man owes me 300 stolen dollarydoos. He robbed me during a herbal exchange. Please help me get it back. "


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  6. #6 Pistils, Jul 31, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2017
    You've been here 7 years, I'll assume you know the rule against promotion of vandalism :/
  7. He wouldn't let me have the weed until he had the money. He robbed me and that was his plan. I know I'm stupid for that. I should've just left. Is there anything I can actually do tho? Like have a buddy hit him up?

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  8. Every man handles his business differently... you do you.

    Grow journal
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  9. I would say: 'ask' him friendly with a few buddies surrounding if he wants to pay it back... if not - make him a offer he has to accept.
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  10. What would 2pac do?
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  11. Tupac wouldn't of handed over the money first...

    Grow journal
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  12. That's probably why he ripped you off. He knows that you know where he lives and what car he drives and he still ripped you off because he knew you wouldn't do shit about it.
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  13. Also OP... get in the damn car next time you buy dope... id automatically feel like something's off if they didn't wanna let me in and wanted me to just hand over the money while acting suspicious lol. You made it seem like you knew what was going to happen beforehand so sadly I do agree with the above poster and say that the guy just punked you out and probably bragged about the shit because he knows you aren't going to do anything... no offense but most of the time when someone's really goin to do something they don't go to a forum for advice they get their friends and do what they gotta do to get what's theirs back... (not saying do anything bad)

    Grow journal
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  14. Make a rap song and diss the other dude? N say he fucked his bitch? :laughing:
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  15. I went to his house and told his parents. They gave me the money and gonna beat him. So we all good

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  16. Had you originally told us you are located in the Congo the responses you received may have been different.
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  17. With which 'reason'? I just mean, did they knew he is a plug?
  18. How old are you guys?
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  19. Yeah I'm wondering the same thing.

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  20. Agreed. I was ripped off for $80 a few months back. I was in the same situation, that was all the money I had for weed. It sucks dude but not worth possibly taking a charge that might cost you a lot more. Take the loss and fuck him.

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