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First Time Poster - A Few Questions :3

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Cuddlepumpkn, Oct 10, 2011.

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  1. Hello,

    I'm currently living in the UK but i'm going to be moving to california for 6-7 months to dive, then going back to England to go to univeristy, then back to America forever.

    I want to live in California for the diving, and also for the medical marijuana as I suffer quite badly from IBS (I've missed years of school from not being able to leave my house due to pain ).

    I have a few questions about the whole procedure of getting medical marijuana, and some technicalities to it.

    Firstly, will I qualify for medical marijuana with my IBS? It is bad and obviously you guys/gals can't give me a definate answer but out of your own knowledge what is your opinion?

    Secondly, will I be able to qualify for medical marijuana even though I will only be living in California for around 6-7 months and then I will be returning to England, to then return in a few years.

    And lastly, what costs are involved with getting medical marjuana? I know I have to pay for a consultantcey (I don't know how to spell that word) and for the actual marijuana.

    Thanks for reading, I know I wrote a lot but this has been on my mind for a while and it really would help me if I could as much information about this as possible so I know what to do when I get there.

    Thanks! :hello:
  2. Welcome to the board - Please review the sticky threads, including the one called "Do you qualify" - most if not all your answers are in there.
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