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First time making edibles!!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by green_machine_x, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. well,i made some canna-oil,my friend said 1gram per one fluid ounce of oil. so i did 4 ounces of oil and 5 grams..just to be safe,ya know? then i heated it,but i think it messed up cause i let it simmer for a few hrs but the bud ended up scorched and the oil became black and filled the house with the smell of jamaican pearl. but i used it anyways,eating my brownies now,they taste fine,small weed after taste,my mom and grandmother had one aswell. they said they taste fine. they were aware of the pot so no one flips out lol
  2. So did it get you high?
  3. Slow metabolism. gunna give it atleast 2 hours
  4. So.....................?
  5. Maybe he's too high to respond :smoke:
  6. srry guys didnt have internet for a couple days..
    they were alright nothing special,lasted a good 3 hrs,great high but i ate half the batch and wasnt too great.

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