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First time indoor organic grow.

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Fat looser, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Hey. Thanks guys or all your help. I have picked up a lot if great tips for my first Indoor grow, so at first I thought deep water culture and the. I thought fuck it. Lets keep it simple and tasty.

    So as some of you know I have had a lot of troubles cloning and I finally had a couple take.

    My mother plants are an outdoor sativa strain.
    My grow Tent is 1x2m x 1x2m x 1.2m a nice solid square, I am running 1x400w hps, and ventilation has not yet been acquired. (Any help would be greatly appreciated) I have 3x 8' ventilation ports. :) anyway. There will be tomatoes, basil and passion fruit going in chillies. Not just pot. its the space that i am using that i want ideas with. Also tips to keep these clones alive i only transplanted them into these pots today out of the seedling box. So here are some of the pics guys. Input would be greatly welcomed. Tips. Tricks. Insults. Lol. Nah. How about. Positive criticism. Cheers guys.


    masturbation is overrated. Get a fleshlight!!!!

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  2. Clip the leaf tips of your clones to
    1. discourage the old fan leaves from getting bigger
    2. encourage new growth to sprout from node sites
    3. lessen the weight strain on the stem

    I would take out the table, it'll be a pain in the ass later. With the tent, you won't need to micromanage the 400w distance much, and those fuckers should get big quick.
    Feed the clones with a foliar spray of ph'd water, special attention to the undersides of the leaves, until you're confident they've developed a root structure capable of feeding themselves.
    Super jelly of the tent, my veg box is a similar size but wrapped in ghetto crinkled aluminum foil and closed up with a shower curtain and blue tarp, lol.
    I'm on grow 3, my veg box is a 4bucket RDWC. I did the same thing as you, and regretted it deeply. Soil is nasty and problematic. Since switching to hydro, almost all my problems have resolved themselves.
    Good luck, subbed and expecting bi-weekly updates.
    Get some more plants in that bitch, keep cloning until you get 8-10 survivors.
  3. Hey man. Cheers. I will do all of the these, anyway so, this is my next set of clones. I decided to use vermiculite today this time as I have heard it is easier to deal with, and to be honest I have a good feeling about it. Even if my baby's don't take this time I will be using this it something like it in the future.
    I know organic grows can be very difficult but in the last few days I have been feeling very confident about it, and I just love the taste, and I will be growing food too.

    So this is the photo update of the new clones. Just potted and cut today.

    Let me know what you think. :)

    masturbation is overrated. Get a fleshlight!!!!

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  4. Just some suggestions:
    Middle pic, bottom clone closest to camera, that bottom node could be clipped.
    Looks like the ends are being trimmed right though.
    Is the hortizontal stem an example of how you're preparing the root site?
    I didn't like splitting them like that, I got more embolisms, or air bubbles in the central cavity
    I skinned my second batch more at the ends and got better results also. Like 1-1.5 inches up. And a 45degree angle like this \
    Never tried vermiculite, tell me how you like it. Seems too loose to fuck with to me. I tried peat plugs, soil in plastic shotglasses with holes, and finally rockwool. Love rockwool.

    What do you mean by organic? No nutrients? Or just without pesticides? I don't use them either, just whitefly traps.
  5. Thanks man I will clip it down, but yeah I started skinning them. I am still in that experimental stage so some of them I have even skinned and split.
    I always thought that the vermiculite would be to loose too but with a little bit if moisture it seems to be holding well, will defiantly keep you updated. I have heard a lot of things about nutes when it comes to clones but I think I am just going to go with water and not to much light.
    Rock wool is my next option, I just think that removal from the rock wool could be detrimental to the survival of my plants

    Then hopefully in a few weeks away we go.
    For now I am keeping my clones that have taken in the soil out side and I plan on keeping the vermiculite ones in the box until my other lady flowers. Ill post some picks of her soon, she is under lst at the moment and her first day into the 12/12 cycle.

    So I'm trying to keep a continuous flow going but I have heard cloning weakens the tho content of the plant or makes them not as strong as the original.

    masturbation is overrated. Get a fleshlight!!!!
  6. Naww, cloning just replicated the parent plant. How you take care of and address the needs of each individual plant are what determines THC content and smoke value. You can take some pretty crappy bagseed from mexican brick and treat it right and get good quality smoke. That being said, there's reasons why some strains win awards and others dont. =)

    As far as rockwool, you never remove it, they burst root tips out of the sides and it becomes part of the root structure. I've heard that over time it decays away but not with any negative impact. I do hydro, so i just stick the rockwool cube at the bottom of my net-pot and cover it all over with hydroton, but I have a thriving clone that I buried in a soil pot too. 3 actually buy only 1 survived, I think I took them out of the dome too early.

    I don't nute my clones either, i haven't gotten any positive results from it.
  7. Day one: Tuesday 15th. Reported one clone into final pot. Still on a 24hr cycle. Might switch to 18/6 tonight? Veg time probably 30 days. Will see what happens.

    Good healthy root system.

    Don't be haters. I'm mainly doing this for myself.

    masturbation is overrated. Get a fleshlight!!!!

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  8. Girls have gone outside. I mean. Why not. It's summer time. No point wasting electricity. Well the clones are out. The girls are still in.

    masturbation is overrated. Get a fleshlight!!!!

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