First time indoor grower, growbox ideas? 1-2 plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Ledzeppelin505, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hey I am a newbie to the whole indoor growing. I it a heat lamp and some seeds I am just not sure what to use for a grow bOx. I only want 1-2 plants so Ian looking for it to be fairly small. I am thinking of using an old fish tank help me out.

  2. Have a read of the grow guides and the stickies.

    You're going to need another light source and I always prefer drainage when growing cannabis. ;)
  3. Yes I agree do more research before jumping in
    Going the trial and error route usually ends up in trial and fail
    MJ is just a plant but they can require a lot of care to keep them healthy and produce to their full capacity
    Do not treat MJ like you would a plant you purchased at the supermarket
    You will be very sad and or :mad:

    P.S. Please do not go cheap on lighting you may be disapointed
    And by cheap I mean 1 or 2 low watt bulbs ><
  4. Could I make a grow box out of a suitcase
  5. u culd mak it out of anythin really... u need to b able to cut easy precise holes in it and hook it up to power supply n hav it big enuf fer the plants...

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