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First time in a while :D

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Greenbudlover, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. i've been try for sumtime now ( like 4 days ) And now i got a halfy and im about to go smoke my first solo ice bong :D ( been since months since ive done this). Im just waiting for my rents to go to bed, They dont approve of my smoking but they do let me, i just cant do it inside. Id go Right now but i'd just rather be more respectful to my mom and wait for them to go to bed :D
  2. If your parents don't approve then don't smoke under their roof. Whether they know or not, don't do it. Who gives a shit how cold it is outside, if you're smoking some herb then you'll be all good. Respect your parents, they're the reason you're here today my friend. Plus- smoking outside feels so 'right' for some reason. I would do it all the time if I didn't live in such a crowded apartment complex.
  3. He said he was smoking outside,he was just waiting to be respectful. I have todo the same thing and I should be getting an eighth on Monday whichll be my first time in like a month. :bongin:

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