First time hydroponics

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Sunshine2393, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. OK so this is my first time growing at all and I chose to use a homemade DWC hydroponics system.

    I used the seeds from some budd i bought.
    I have two CFL lights on the plants. One is 20 watts and the other is 120 watts
    In the giant 18 gallon container im using a air pump for a fish tank I used to have.
    I also have a fan and used white garbage bags to cover the walls of a crawl space.

    let me know if i should post pictures , my plants 6 weeks old
  2. Sounds like you've done some good research.

    What nutes are you using?

    Pics are always nice.
  3. thats the thing..i dont have any nutrients in them
    i know i should but i dont know what stores would have a good ratio
    should i get a liquid nutrient or a powder like thing that can disolve into it?
  4. 6 weeks and no nutes???

    Them girls are hungry!

    Look into the lucas forumla if you want something foolproof and effective.

    It uses GH micro and GH bloom nutes.
  5. Umm...

    Those are in soil, or at least it looks like it.

    That would explain why they are not dead after 6 weeks of no nutrients.
  6. yes they are in soil but the container has stones at the bottom so water can get thru easily. The roots are starting to poke out of the bottom. was i not supposed to put them i soil if there growing hydroponicaly?
  7. Well, the definition of Hydroponics, is growing without soil.

    That being said, the only reason your plants arent dead, is because of the soil. If you had used a standard growing medium for hydroponics, such as rockwool, hydroton or coco coir, your plants would have perished. They are getting nutrients from the soil at this point. This wont last either, as you have to add nutrients to soil as well.

    Right now you are doing some kind of hybrid between soil and hydro growing. I have no idea what the results will be. I would like to say you could do it, but I have never heard of anyone doing so.

    To answer your original question: General Hydroponics Nutrient

    But since you are doing this hybrid thing, I really can't tell you what to use.
  8. ya i understand what your saying man. i looked on my calander and it wasnt 6 weeks its only been 3.5.
    idk what i was thinking when i said 6 but ya.what would you recomend? should i put nutrients in the water either ways
  9. see the thing is..

    Your root system is going to go into the water, the majority of it anyway. However, the soil you are using is not a good transfer medium for hydroponics. You use rockwool or coco because they hold water and allow air to the roots in a specific way. Soil is soil, its not meant to be used with hydroponics.

    In a hydro system, you would add the vast majority of water directly to the reservoir, not through the medium. In hydro systems the medium is for the most part, self sustaining.

    You would have to add water to the soil to maintain its ph and hydration. If you dont, the untreated soil is going to kill your plant. It wont matter how well the roots in the water are doing. When you add water to the soil, its going to runoff into your well. Soil free mediums like rockwool dont runoff, thats why they are used in hydro. Soil runoff in a hydro well sounds....well..bad.

    Im not the biggest expert here, but I think your best bet is to revert to soil for this plant. Just transplant it into a bigger pot, but read up on using soil and how to work soil nutrients first (all you need is on this forum).

    You have most of a hydro setup ready right now. Read up a bit more on it (again, all you need is here). When you are ready with the proper medium, just read up on how to clone. You can pull a clone off the plant you have, get it to root, then put it in your hydro system, hydro is tailor made for that sort of thing. This way you wont lose any time with your current plant, and you can still get your hydro on in a week or 2.

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