First time help to determine sex

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by surlistyc, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. #1 surlistyc, Nov 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2013
    Ok, so this is my first "real" grow. I can't begin to tell you how many hours of reading I have put into this already. so I just put my babies into flower a little less than 2 weeks ago. (bagseed and i'm pretty sure it's 2 different strains) I only need help sexing one plant so far, because I'm 95% sure the other is a female.

    The pictures show just the one plant I'm not sure of. the picture with what looks like buds on the top. is that a sign of female? because there is also little sacks scattered throughout the plant with no white hairs coming out of them. I know it can take a little more time, but I think an experienced grower should be able to help me even at this stage. If you need more or better pictures, please let me know. I think this one's a male, but I'm not sure really.

    Sorry for a question that's been asked about a million times here in the last 24 hours. I feel I can spot a male from female from most other pictures online, but this one I can't. 
    And also, sorry about the mostly black picture. I held my loupe up to my phone to take the pic. Not an easy thing to do, lol.
    and also, I know it's a small plant. I'm not trying to invest an immense amount of time and energy into my first time. Only until I can get it right a couple times is when I'll expand a little.

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  2. Sorry to say but thats a male you gotta chop that thing!

  3. Right on man! thanks! If you're absolutely positive, I'll take care of it.
  4. That chick has nuts! So ya it's a dude.....
  5. Yup yup and good luck on your first grow!


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