First time growers

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Clearsky, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. I've noticed a lot of people aren't here on the site anymore from the last couple of years.
    Did a lot of them pass or just move on some where else.
    I know there is other places just wondering if they we to other sites for some reason or just not interested in helping people anymore and have better things to do.
  2. I would guess a combination of the things you mentioned with maybe a few other reasons thrown in for good measure. People get tired after a while, or bored. Hell, some people leave once they figure out answering every grow question doesn't make their pecker bigger. It's a volatile place my brother.
  3. Yes I like to do the journal thing so I can look back on it some day when I'm wondering about something.
    But I have noticed a lot of names missing sense I came back few months ago.
    Guess I will just set back and take it in to see what's going on.

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