First time grower, Suggestions for setups?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by RagnarT, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. Right now I have purchased a 300w LED "grow light", a Mars Hydro grow tent which is 70x70x160.
    Looking to grow 3 plants as a trial specifically : 2x Purple Trainwreck and Gigabud.
    Is what I have sufficient? and what else do I need and would want in the future.
    (I live in a country which does not have access to a lot of things so getting nutrients and stuff would be a little bit difficult).
    Also I have purchased a soil mix from a pretty reputable local Facebook page specifically for cultivating marijuana.
    This is the composition of the soil :
    • Chicken manure
    • Guano
    • Coir dust
    • coco peat
    • Azomite
    • Dolomite Lime
    • Epsom Salt
    • Rock phosphate
    • Perlite
    • Humic acid

  2. Natural spider mite spray recipe
    1ml lemon eucalyptus
    1ml peppermint oil
    1ml sweet orange oil
    1ml sandalwood oil
    1ml rosemary oil

    1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap

    5 ml of olive oil

    I gallon of water
    *2 tablespoon of neem optional if you are using the whole bottle then in one single use or within the day.. if not do not add!!! Spray daily twice a day after week 3 weeks of vegs.... use up until you enter full flowering.. it smells amazing

    Think about your IPM

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  3. I don't think that Mars light will be enough. I consider them junk. You'll need 3 of them, one of each plant for anything decent.

    I know because I bought one.

    Build your own COB grow light. About $350.

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