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First time grower in need of help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Bazt1690, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Hi all at grass city !! Some great info on here will load of useful tips ! Can someone help me out ! I’m on my first growth around day 35-40. One of my plants (sweet tooth) doesn’t look to great but has started to bud for a few days now , my other (blue cheese) looks nice and filled out but hasn’t started budding . My light cycle has been pretty much 24 hours some days 4/20 .. now one has started to bud should I change my light cycle to 12/12 for the rest of the grow and to try help my other plant into budding ..

    I’ve attached a few photos please tell me what you think.

    Attached Files:

  2. They're a lovely shade of hot pink. Some pics in natural light would better help if you want us to check for deficiencies. Otherwise, the one on the right looks very leggy. You may need to either get a better light or lower the one you're using altogether.
  3. Thanks for that opinion ! I think it might be a bit late to lower the light as the one on the right has already started to flower so won’t grow much or any vegetation to my knowledge? It was more to be pointed in the right direction regarding my light cycle as one has started budding and the other hasn’t yet they were both planted at same time and said to take the same amount of time till harvest.

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