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First time grower: I am pretty sure these are all female

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Amber0279, Aug 2, 2017.


I am pretty sure these are all females, I sexed the seeds myself and hoped for the best!

  1. Females

    1 vote(s)
  2. Too early

    1 vote(s)
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  1. I am pretty sure these are all females, and I think they're in the first stage of flowering too. I am a long time smoker, but a first time grower and could use any valuable information/advice from experienced growers out there.

    Thanks for any info shared, much appreciated! 2017-08-02 16.21.16.jpg

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  2. Plant #5 has begun to flower! 20170806_140820.jpg 20170806_140810.jpg 20170806_140820.jpg

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  3. Nice manicure. :)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Why are you removing new fan leaves? That is just going to hurt your yield. I can see removing lower, or yellowing older leaves, but taking off the new ones as plants are beginning to flower is just going to hurt your yield.
  5. I don't remove "new fan leaves" unless they're damaged.

    And the potted plants I'm experimenting with, trying different lst techniques and what not, as I'm not too concerned with yield with these ones, their purpose is to experiment with.
    I'm on this site to gain knowledge from experienced growers, not to be rhetorically questioned!

    This is my first grow and I am learning what's best by trying out different techniques, and by making insightful mistakes.
  6. wow, ok. Yea I'm totally inexperienced. Sorry, I tried to help you.
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