I have two autoflower indica plants one is doing fine on a quarter dose Biobizz Grow, the other I am giving half dose and have some issues such as slight clawing of leaves, some browning and shrivelling of some of the leaves near the bottom. Wondering if I should flush or just skip the nutes for a while and hopefully she will recover. Maybe it's too much Nitrogen? I am growing in Biobizz light soil and general conditions for the grow otherwise are more or less optimal all round from what I have researched. If anyone can shed any light that would be much appreciated!
The first pic, that particular leaf you show is not a normal fan leaf. Thats cause its the very bottom branch and thats just how it is. It has done its job, just snip it, and the matching leaf on the other side. With regards to feeding schedule. Light mix has decent nutes in it for starting, so just stick with 1/4 dose like your other plant. In a week or two you can start to increase the amounts. I give you kudos for trying one at 1/4 and one at 1/2 recommended rates. The other leaf pic. Those yellow marks are permanent, nothing will change that. When that leaf shows even the first sign of being unhealthy or dying, just snip it. HTH and feel free to pop on into my Auto sticky thread here in the Organics section and say high. Cheers Os
How much in ml roughly speaking water would you give every several days when the soil dries out? Do you think 500ml is enough in an 11 litre (3 gallon) pot. The plants are 3 and a half weeks old now. Many thanks
That seems in the ball park but the real way to tell-take your time and slowly hydrate your pot to slight run off. I mean take your time, like 200 ml wait an hour repeat, wait an hour repeat, etc till you have run off. Lift the the pot to get a good idea of what fully hydrated feels like. Lift the pot each day till it feels lighter, then hydrate. The amount and frequency will change throughout your plants life. For reference a Liter of water weighs a kilogram. Keep in mind its important to get some soil “dry back”. Especially during the beginning and end of the grow cycle when plants use less watet. I use wicking containers to help manage my runoff and also give me an idea of how fast water is being used. This isnt a substitute for lifting pots, but an additional indicator. For example, I water a container and see run off in my saucer/reservoir. The following day I see my runoff had wicked back up and the saucer is dry. Then I know my plant is taking up water. I lift the pot and if its lighter weightwise, I can water the same amount as the previous day. What I strive for is to have some dry back each day and water about 5% of my soil volume daily. For smaller containers like yours, I would modify that to adding 10% a day. HTH Cheers Os
For the mostpart I think both plants look relatively healthy, but there is still the problem of the browning of the leaves of one on the lowest fan leaves and on the other some yellowing starting. Is this normal because they are perhaps the oldest leaves or is it the start of bigger problems? Just trying to get to the bottom of the issue before it gets worse/potentially spreads. I watered a few days ago the bigger plant with just plain water and next water I was planning to start with a little Biobizz Bloom maybe quarter dose to accompany the Biobizz Grow half dose. any thoughts on what the progressing issues could be? Many thanks
Honestly, just get rid of that leaf in the first pic. Its done its job of growing that branch to where the other leaves on the branch will take over. Its not getting much light anyway, and evaporation from the soil is most likely screwing with its ability to transpire. Most folks under estimate how important good air flow is, the rest of the plant will benefit. Im not a feeder of liquid nutes, but I would say that when you add bloom, start with a 1/4 of recommended dose as you suggest. Cheers Os
I chopped the leaf yesterday but have since noticed that there are some problems on the other big fan leaves which are now all curling down. The branches as seen in the pics are also arching downwards. I have no idea what's causing it, it's such a sad moment! I was using a little plain vinegar to bring the PH from 7.5 to 6.5 for a while, a few people said to not bother to PH at all because I am using all organic but I had started doing it. If I need to PH I can use citric acid powder which may be better for plant health than the vineger option! All other protocols have been followed from what i can tell. gradually increasing nutes and being cautious (Im still going fairly cautiously with Nutes). I was probably underwatering for a while but I have since rectified that. Water has been left to sit for 24 hours to dechlorinate. Temperatures and humidity have been continually optimal. As has airflow and CO2. Where do I go from here? Today I watered about 1500ml after 3 days, maybe the watering constitutes some of the heavy clawing down if it was too much water, there was a fair bit of run off and i did go slow.
Vinegar can be a herbicide depending on what type and concentration. It’s not worth experimenting. I would quit that asap, and just use the citric acid to ph down if you think you need to. Then let it ride, and see what happens. Cheers Os
Hey! Had a busy week so didn't get chance to log on, but there has been some developments, both plants have different issues but hopefully I will still get some yield as flowering seems to be developing fine, how much the problems i have if i cant rectify hinder development remains to be seen. I just wanted to show the two p[lants and where they're at right now so I can maybe try to solve why they arent 100 percent healthy. These are the details of my current grow schedule: • PPFD 600-700 light at 60 cms approx from canopy • Stopped the PHing with vineger immediately and have since the last two feeds used citric acid to bring PH between 6 and 6,8 • Watering thoroughly and slowly twice per week approx of between 1500 and 1900ml. Tap water left for min 24 hours to dechlorinate. • I am using BioBizz Grow and have started introducing slowly some BioBizz Bloom the last few feeds. • Temps between 72F and 77F. RH between 47 and 64, Humidifier and three fans running inside the tent. • Have started introducing a little epsom salts and homemade extract of eggshell for calmag levels but I am super gentle with them - perhaps this is the problem of deficiencies? PLANT 1: The bigger plant with the most issues, biggest fan leaves starting dying off and getting brown/yellow crispy patches. PLANT 2: The smaller plant has some yellowing on the lower big fan leaves. The leaves are deeper green throughout than the bigger plant. Photos attached and always any advice/feedback is immensely appreciated.
I wouldn’t worry at all about those bad looking leaves down low. They have done their job and should be removed., especially cause they are not healthy. In a nut shell, now that your plants are pushing out clumps of pistils, those big fans aren’t needed. Once the branch above them has grown a stem and leaves at bud sites, the big fans should go. In fact I would thin out all but the very top big fans to let air and light in. The top big fans would go a few days later. Cheers Os
Great thanks for the heads up! will trim the big ones off. The brown patches on some leaves higher up was worrying me more as I thought whatever issues it has is spreading. Then I thought after trying to diagnose the brown patches that the plant could be in need of more potassium as it looks like a potential potassium deficiency at this stage of flower (from just looking at pics around the net but I'm wildly guessing) so I was planning on upping the Biobizz Bloom significantly next feed (as I've only been giving super light doses like 1/8th strength) and then I may reduce the Biobizz Grow a bit and introduce 1/4 dose of Biobizz Topmax. Do you think that would work well?
Im not real fluent with bottle feeding, but just keep following the chart starting at low conservative doses as you have been. The bio bizz should have plenty ok K, but you may still have some conflcts from other things you tried earlier. Cheers Os
Hey guys im reaching out again for advice! Since the last time I checked in I have trimmer a lot of the bigger leaves below which were damaged from this problem, now it seems to be spreading all over the plant on many smaller leaves and well, just all over. Any advice? Should I try giving way more nutes or could this be leaf rusting?
Im coming up the sixth week of the grow and having lots of expanded problems the far plant doesnt seem healthy at all and the smaller near plant has some brown rust spots, could be calcium deficiency? Looking for any advice still. Thanks <3