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First time grower gifted some babies!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by donworrybhappy, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. #1 donworrybhappy, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    Hey everyone,

    I'm new around here, live in Socal!

    I was recently gifted two plants by a friend from a medical club in little planters.(clones?) He left for Iraq :(.... I didn't really get to ask him about them .
    I've already been browsing and learning a lot, but had a few questions about growing them. One is Master K, and the other is Goofy Grape I believe?

    Since they are from a club, and already about 4 inches tall, does this mean they are both female clones? and the light split at this point should be 18/6?
    I will be purchasing a fluorescent light and a Sodium light today and have moved them into larger planters.

    Any other tips for this particular strand? I don't have a dedicated growing area, but will do my best to convert the walk in closet.

    Attached Files:

  2. High there, what nice strains you have to start with. They should be females if they are clones and 18/6 or any other veg cycle should be fine.

    Good luck
  3. Thank you. I should leave these in this cycle for what? 1 month? 2 months?

    Also, watering should be once a week, or just whenever I feel the dirt is a bit dry?
  4. High there, I like to veg mine for as long as I can to get bigger girls but some people only veg for a month or so. With the watering as long as the clones are rooted then yes just water when the soil feels dry about an inch down.

    A walk in closet could make a real groovy grow space. Good luck
  5. I'm setting up a fan with some flourescent lights as we speak 48" one cool and one warm. i'll take a picture of the set up and the progress this week. I have them on the 18/6 split, and am doing my best to keep the 6 hours in COMPLETE darkness.

    I'm gonna purchase some black plastic and try to use that to close off any light leaking in.

    How far from the plants should the lights be to optimize growth but avoid burning? They are pretty big lights, so I'm a little hesitant to put it 4 inches from the plants as some suggest.
  6. bump...

    also, the grape has started to wilt? did I overwater it? I gave it and the Master K the same amount. the Master looks strong and green, but the other is wilting, what can I do to fix this?
  7. Wilting is over or under watering in most cases. You need to know which you have done to fix it. Also its vital to keep the dark period 100% dark, if you are having problems doing this then maybe switch your lights to 24/0 as I have.

    New lights and fans should help you lots dude, the pictures will help to.

    Good luck
  8. Thanks, Usual. You seem to be the only person who sees this thread. LOL

    Well, I'm pretty sure I overwatered. I tried to soak some of the water out of the soil (there was definitely too much in there) and put in some dry soil and mixed it in. Hopefully it survives. It's weird because I measured out the same amount of soil and water for both. I guess the two strains are just very different from one another. I will snap pics later today.

    I'm actually using a smaller closet because the larger one has no outlets near it. But the plastic is a must at this point, light is definitely leaking in.
  9. Oh lucky you, Im one of the worse sources around the city for advice. LOL

    One thing about GC dude, they are all picture whores. Post some pictures and they will come. As I have said they are kick ass strains that you are running with. If the light leak is a problem then why not switch to 24/0 until you switch to flowering? A light leak can cause hermies.
  10. #10 donworrybhappy, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    I hear ya... well here we go.

    This is the Master K
    It has grown new leave and A LOT in height in just a few days, all the leaves look green and the stem is thicker. it's also kinda starting to smell like what it

    And sadly, this is the grape. it only had one large leaf to begin with, and has only grown the few tiny leaves you can see since then. it's still green, but very droopy and it shrank a bit. Looks basically the same as when I got it.

    Any suggestions?
    I have set up the plastic for tonight, and will continue the 18/6 cycle now that I can ensure total darkness.
  11. I think its game over for thr Grape but the master Kush looks very nice. Once a clone starts to grow then they really go for it, I don't think the Grape rooted.

    Good luck with the Kush maybe you can clone her yourself when she is bigger/older.

  12. Yeah, I definitely want to try this out once it gets older. To have more than one of these beauties would be great!

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